Subjugation of women not on

22_niqabgraphic2   Personaly, I think the Niqab, Burka and Chador represent subjugation of women but that’s just me.  If the woman is brought up in a 7th century environment I can see how they wouldn’t think of it like that.  It’s just life, they would think and that is true from their perspective but the rest of the world has moved on. In the West we depend a lot on body lanaguage and no way would I have dealings with some one who is hiding their identity for whatever reason.  If they choose to hide their faces, then in my opinion they choose not to partake of life in Australia.  They can’t enter banks, houses of parliament, shops, Police Stations or any government offices.  I’m not allowed to enter any of these institutions wearing a balaclava so why should they get a free pass.  They also choose to deny themselves the right to a drivers licence and passport. They need to move on but in the meatime I think they should be denied services whilst dressed like a bank robber.    


  • As a kid I went to a convent school for a while run by Josephite nuns who wore a garb that closely resembled a Hijab. They were proud and strong women. They were not “subjugated”. I wonder what the reaction would have been if you had told them they were.
    I also taught at Xavier Hospital school in the seventies, when the hospital for sick children was staffed by habit wearing nuns. They were also energetic, skilful and tolerant people.
    Of course back then, we had not been whipped into a frenzy by a media who were happy to routinely smear one section of the population in the interests of making a quid from conflict entrepreneurship, and we didn’t have politicians happy to use bigotry as a lever to maintain power.
    As I recall, the IRA were active in those days, bombing and killing on the other side of the world. I don’t remember the nuns being spat upon or having their veils ripped off. Nor as a Catholic, was I ever accused of being a terrorist.
    That was, of course, in a time when Murdoch wasn’t dominating the print media, and happy to whip up fear and loathing in quest for the almighty dollar.

  • Unless I’m going blind in my dotage, the pic on the left in your rogues gallery is a Hijab. That’s exactly the head covering the nuns wore.
    This has nothing to do with security and everything to do with bigotry. Don’t confuse them.
    Any person entering either of the two chambers is screened – it matters not whether their faces are visible. It fails the common sense test…….

    • Anyone argueing against the Hijab is ignorant of the facts. The whole point is that when they wear the Niqab or Burka they are unidentifiable. Even their gender is in doubt as per the requirements of their male overlords. Wouldn’t want to inflame the passions of the uneducated and ignorant, would we?

      Yes, the Hijab is pretty well identical to a Nun’s habit which has absolutely nothing to do with the debate.

  • Has he been any other way Kev. He cherry picks a comment then twists it around to suit his purpose. Much the same way in which he claims those that he maligns on a regular basis.

  • Anyone argueing (sic) against the Hijab is ignorant of the facts. The whole point is that when they wear the Niqab or Burka they are unidentifiable.
    OK – let’s be consistent and ban full face motorcycle helmets, hoodies and balaclavas.
    This has nothing to do with security and everything to do with bigotry. Hence Abbott’s back flip –

  • OK – let’s be consistent and ban full face motorcycle helmets, hoodies and balaclavas.
    They are. Try going into a bank or police station with a helmet, hoodie or balaclava on.
    That is one of the points of the debate. If I tried to go into a bank with my face hidden by any means I would be treated as a possible criminal but we are expected to allow Muslim women in when their face is hidden. I might add, so is their feminine form, so tell me, is it a male or a female entering a bank fully incognito?

  • The kilt is also a very dangerous garment.
    You could hide a knife, a Glock or a grenade under a kilt.
    Time they were banned in banks and police stations and on public transport…………….

  • Hello 17….,

    Before again defending the burqa, niqab etc you should read this.

  • Of course numbers, being as desperate for attention as you are, you don’t care that a kilt does in no way disguise ones identity.
    Yet another sad grab for attention on the part of the whining conscript.
    Childish and pathetic. as usual.

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