Garrett confused

THE Newman Government has banned the Federal schools minister from campaigning in Queensland campuses. Good! Mr Garrett, who cancelled his flights yesterday following the ban, accused Mr Langbroek of “outrageous hypocrisy” and said he had been using schools as political footballs. Excuse me! You and your government are using school kids as political footballs and you have the temerity to accuse Langbroek. Now that’s outrageous hypocracy. Are you working on your resume Garrett? From The Australian Mr Garrett said it was a “pretty poor day for democracy in Queensland” when the federal education minister was denied permission to detail a plan to improve schools. “This isn’t about politicising schools, it’s about having the free exercise of expression in a democracy,” he told the ABC. Out and out lie Garrett, and as expected the ABC didn’t pick him up on it.  You are not being denied permission to detail a plan to improve schools. You are being denied permission to do so in a school where the parents expect their kids to be doing schoolwork, not playing a role in an election propaganda foray. You can always fly up and promote your plan in the Queen Street Mall but just watch out for the baseball bats.


  • As an ex-principal in Queensland schools, this is great news.
    I well remember the crap and time-wasting that comes with pollies visits – whether they were the local member (state or federal) or the minister (state or federal). For a while I was principal at Petrie Special School, which straddled two state and two federal electorates, and the pollies (including Peter Slipper and Dean Wells) nearly drove us nuts.
    So now we should see no more pollies (state or federal) visiting Queensland schools – if Noddy is fair dinkum.
    I somehow doubt it….
    (Written at Tambo – where pollies never visit) – and the locals are happy with that situation….

  • “nearly drove us nuts.”…….nearly?……really?

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