Good call Tony!

LABOR says Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s decision to go back on a written promise to back electoral law reforms casts doubt on other coalition pre-election pledges

The federal government decided on Thursday not to go ahead with the laws, which would have delivered around $58 million in extra public funding for political parties now preparing for the September poll.

Obviously the Greens weren’t backing it either otherwise it would have been tabled. Personally, I think the ALP brought it up to stave of imminent bankruptcy as their membership and donations plummet as they are redirected to the adults in the game – the Libs. I don’t think his changing his mind casts doubt on other pledges as I doubt these other pledges will stir up so much angst among the voting public.  With the country’s economy in intensive care until after the election, now is not the time to tell the voters we are taking more money out of the pile of debt the ALP are about to leave us with. I was disappointed when I read he had agreed to it,  now he’s changed his opinion,  I think – good call! People will see it as a continuation of trying to curb spending rather than Abbott has reneged. John Birmingham is is beside himself with rage as he writes in the Age;

Are you complete idiots? Do you know how much it costs to run an election campaign these days? And they have to be run, you know. There’s no avoiding them unless you want to turn over the keys of the joint to Gillard or Abbott and pronounce them dictator for life. You want democracy? You pay for it.

Elections cost money.

Well, yes John we know Elections coat money and I guess that’s why the Electoral Commission already compensates the parties for their expenses during an election campaign.

The amount of election funding payable is calculated by multiplying the number of formal first preference votes received by the rate of payment applicable at the time. This rate is indexed every six months in line with increases in the Consumer Price Index.

The current election funding rate from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013 is 247.316 cents per eligible vote.

Which is why, after the 2010 election the ALP received $21 225 869.96 (scroll down) in electoral funding. So what’s the problem.  Well, you have to have money before the election as the Electoral Commission pay after the event on votes received. I can see why the ALP are cranky as Abbott, sniffing the wind, has deprived them of upfront money and we all know they won’t get enough votes to make $21 mil this year. If they received all that money just three years ago you’d think they’d have some put aside for the next election – wouldn’t you. Oh, that’s right, it’s the ALP we are talking about.


  • The ALP complaining about a political leader not keeping their word.
    The irony. it burns.

    • Somebody should point out to Laborites that this change of heart by the Libs means that there will be a saving of taxpayers money to the tune of 58 MILLION DOLLARS…..not that we have the money in the first place.  Changes of heart by Labor can actually run you into a deficit, cost the average household lots, and create cold miserable conditions for pensioners and the old and frail.

  • For Queenslanders, broken promises by Newman and his cronies are costing us a fortune. No power rebates, rego and drivers’ licences going through the roof, and stiff bikkies if you installed solar.
    At least they’re consistent – all promises being broken one at a time……and a deficit!
    Well done, Noddy!

    • Still haven’t got it, have you.  ALP governments trash the economy and then the Libs are left with having to make the hard decisions.  Not only do they trash the economy but they try and hide the extent so that when the voters realized they have voted in a fiscally incompetent government and kick them out the Libs find the books are full of un-mapped minefields.

      If you weren’t vocal while Bligh was spending then you can hardly complain now. You’re backing socialism but you must remember that they eventually always run out of other people’s money.

      To shorten the debate in future, I think I’ll just say “$80 billion debt!” every time you complain about Newman.



    • Its the price you pay when you elect Govts that piss away the taxpayers hard earned and then start borrowing. Then the grown ups get elected and have to tell the children that the party is over and its time to clean up.
      At that point you can always be sure that the children will whine that they want more cake, just as you are now numbers.
      It is so predictable that it should be considered a law of political discussion along the lines of Godwins law of internet discussion – the instant you raise the measures required to pay off the debt, without mentioning who incurred the debt, you lose the argument by default.

    • Lost your way again…..check the subject matter and try again.

  •   ALP governments trash the economy and then the Libs are left with having to make the hard decisions.
    The trouble with that statement, Kev, is that an examination of recent history shows that it simply isn’t correct. Hawke and Keating’s economic reforms are key to Australia’s relative financial stability. Last time I checked the record, they led Labor governments.
    See –
    You can almost forgive Noddy and Nicholls for getting their forecasts wrong. Like Swan, they promised a surplus.
    What Queenslanders can’t forgive, however, are the endless series of lies and broken promises. Put simply, this mob (apart from their kowtowing to their cronies in the real estate industry) are a reincarnation of the worst features of the Bjelke Petersen era, but without the capacity to actually develop critical infrastructure. They’re carving the state up and selling it to the highest bidder.
    Ask the school communities at Toowoomba South and Charlton State Schools. These schools sit on great real estate so the kids can get stuffed.
    They’ve already buggered the Range crossing – didn’t take them long…..Try one and a half hours to get from Withcott to Toowoomba.


    • Ah yes..Hawke/Keating government did do some good for the country but it all ended in tears.  Huge debt, huge budget deficit (hidden ’till after the election), and the recession we had to have.  The great hater Keating with his uncivilzed vitriolic debate that some think was funny but I thought was just ‘bog Irish’ abuse.  The Army were as worried as they were when the idiot Whitlam gutted the regiment and I had to try and tell the diggers all was well but as I said to General Jeffries, the diggers read and they know the government doesn’t like them.  He agreed.  I resigned my commision in 86 and well remember the 21% interest I paid on my business overdraft

      …..What Queenslanders the Left can’t forgive. The latest polls that I can find (May 24) have the LNP leading 2PP 57-43.

      You do know that changing demographics has schools close down and others open somewhere else, don’t you.  Anyway, as I read it there will be 6 months consultation before that happens so you will get your chance to give the authorities the benefit of your local knowledge.

      It was only as few years ago that Bligh was talking about closing down 15 rural schools – was it a case of ‘the kids can get stuffed’ then as well?

      Toowoomba Range crossing is a Federal responsibility, are you sure you shouldn’t be abusing Julia for buggering it up?  Wayne didn’t even rate the crossing in his budget even though he had promised earlier on


      • With all this easily acquired information pointing to 1735099 being “non compos mentis” I am beginning to wonder if there is any value indicating his lack of credibility….he certainly takes no notice. 

    • I am shocked, who would have thought that Alison Mackinnon,  the Foundation Director of the Hawke Research Institute from 1997 to December 2005, would say nice things about the ALP and Bob in particular, in the book she edited about Bob Hawkes legacy?  though I’m not surprised that numbers chose to pretend that such a compromised source was in fact credible. he is just so predictable.

  • It was only as few years ago that Bligh was talking about closing down 15 rural schools
    Two things about that.
    First, she didn’t.
    Secondly, they were RURAL schools and didn’t sit on valuable land that could be sold to LNP cronies.
    Toowoomba Range crossing is a Federal responsibility, are you sure you shouldn’t be abusing Julia for buggering it up?
    This has nothing to do with the Feds (who incidentially have ignored a bypass as bi-partisan policy since 1996).
    The problem is basic LNP inepitiude with a minister responsible for authorising the closure of the Westbound lane at the same time as the only viable alternative route (via Murphy’s Creek Road) was also under reconstruction. They compounded it by creating a merge at the steepest part of the route so that B Doubles routinely burnt out their clutches resulting in stoppages which then couldn’t be cleared for at least an hour. There’s talk of a million dollar class action from major freight companies sueing the Minister.
    I never cease to be amazed at how supporters of this government swallow the spin that responsibility for failure is always the Feds, or the previous government.
    I know who the “grown-ups” are, and they’re not in government in Queensland at the moment.  

    • Kev, can you post something nice about Newman, then our numerical mate will probably reply with something about your original post here. 

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