BDS activists want us to pay

THREE eminent Jewish Australian academics have condemned the Coalition’s promise to cut off federal grants for individuals and institutions who support the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions campaign against Israel. The BDS campaign spends all it’s energy attacking Israel which is fine,  free speech and all that, but I fail to understand why they should do so on the public purse. The professors, Benjamin, Grossman and Goodman oppose BDS,  but they all described Ms Bishop’s proposal to cut off funding for those who support it as a fundamental attack on academic independence, free speech and democracy. What are we talking about guys,  free speech or funding? Friends of Israel in WA say its all about Jake Lynch who has spend his life in Peace activism.  Its been my experience from serving during the Cold War that as soon as the word ‘Peace’ gets a run in the title of any organization it becomes synonymous with ‘Anti-West’.   Ms Bishop told The Weekend Australian.

…The Coalition policy is most immediately directed at [University of Sydney‘s] Jake Lynch who, along with the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies that he directs, is a vocal supporter of BDS.

Associate Professor Lynch drew the ire of Jewish groups when he rejected a request for help from Israeli academic Dan Avnon, who developed Israel’s only civics curriculum for both Jewish and Arab school students.

“It is inappropriate for Associate Professor Lynch to use his role as director of the taxpayer-funded CPACS . . . in support of the anti-Semitic BDS campaign.”…

If you want to subvert Australia’s foreign policy then do it on your own dollar!  

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