Kevin has found another Great Moral Challenge

KEVIN Rudd has thrown his support behind gay marriage as an important social reform for the nation, in a dramatic reversal of his long-held public position.

Mr Rudd says the issue of same-sex marriage should properly remain a conscience vote for all members of parliament, stressing that Labor allows such a vote while the Coalition does not. If the Coalition does not change its mind, he endorses a national referendum at an appropriate time, “bringing the Australian community along with us on an important social reform for the nation”.

A referendum for God’s sake!  Methinks Kevin’s dramatic reversal owes more to Attention Deprivation Disorder than anything else. Worked as well – got him a full page in The Australian. Back to what matters Kevin – there are hundreds of matters more important to the country than some Rainbow Activists  social engineering ploy. Economy…skyrocketing debt…Defence ability stripped…your open borders policy that is costing us billions…cattle starving to death…mining development on pause…small business on pause…..and on it goes – ad infinitum Get real mate. What’s the bet he doesn’t mention it again?  

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