Abbott’s Budget reply

I found Abbott’s budget reply encouraging and although I don’t agree with everything, I do recognize the potential of having adults in command of the treasury benches again. I agree with sticking to the ALP’s cuts – let them carry the can after all they engineered the circumstances that created the ‘budget emergency’. Some cutting quotes from Abbott’s reply;

The Treasurer spent much of his speech complaining that he was the victim of a sudden collapse in government revenue. In fact, revenue is up 6 per cent this year and will be up 7 per cent next year. Next year, revenue will be up $80 billion on six years ago

We have a $20 billion deficit now rather than the $20 billion surplus then not because revenue is down but because spending is up: by $120 billion.

This fact needs to be drummed into the public’s minds, repeated time and time again until they get the message.  The ALP have created the problem by spending way to much over revenue. This will gain votes;

The Coalition has already announced that we will rescind the increase to the humanitarian migration intake because – until the boats are stopped, and we will stop them – it’s the people smugglers who are choosing who comes to Australia.

The fact that the ALP Left, their media outlets – the ABC and SBS, the Greens and the Human Rights industry think the boat people are deserving of legal and social security entitlements doesn’t sit well with the remaining 70% of the population.  They are sick and tried of the open borders and boat people arriving without papers demanding and getting full citizenship rights. They will also note that the costs of the boat people settlement has directly impacted on the budget deficit. Billions of dollars lost as Australia marches to the people smuggler’s drum. The dreaded Carbon Tax;

We will abolish the carbon tax – because that’s the quickest way to reduce power prices and take the pressure off cost of living and job security. Let me repeat: We will abolish the carbon tax – because it’s a kind of reverse tariff that hurts local businesses but not our overseas competitors.

This alone would win the election.  Seriously, if anyone thinks the general population are happy to pay more for utilities and goods and watch our competitive commercial edge being blown to appease the Left Wing mantra of AGW they aren’t reading enough or talking to enough people. Abbott has been quiet on IR and rightly so.  Let’s not give the ALP/ACTU any cause to ramp up their “Work Choices”  campaign but wait until after the election to start to redress the insanity that has been legislated as Gillard pays her dues to the Unions. How can anyone believe that paying a kid 400 plus dollars a day to serve coffee is viable just because it’s a Sunday. How can anyone think that small business can absorb these sort of labour coats?  They can’t and increasingly they close on Sundays when tourists and locals look for an outing. How can anyone believe, outside the MUA, that paying galley hands on ships something like $300,000 for six months work won’t impact on business decisions to go ahead and develop mining.  Why should international companies invest in Australia with our astronomical labour costs and Green tape hindrances to development. They have paused and will hold until long after the ACTU/ALP power base passes into the dustbin of history. Board rooms around the world sit on hold while they wait for adults to take back power. This has slowed down investment; this has impacted on revenue. I like;

It will be part of a foreign policy that’s focussed on Jakarta, not Geneva.

We’ve also announced that we’d scrap Labor’s green loans scheme for projects that the banks won’t touch.

As far as the Coalition is concerned, the next election won’t be an auction. Talking to people all around the country, the last thing you want is more “historic” announcements or so-called “revolutions” that never justify the hype.

and Gonski is gon-ski;

On the other hand, the key to better schools, at least as much as more money, is better teachers, better teaching, higher academic standards, more community engagement, and more principal autonomy.

A good start to the campaign. 120 days and counting.


  • Just waiting for sanity, common sense and concern for the greater good of the nation to return to the government benches and squeeky hinges to be welded shut.

  • “paying a kid 400 plus dollars a day to serve coffee is viable just because it’s a Sunday”
    My daughter wants to know who is paying this so she can send her resume. Last time she did an eight hour shift at Coffee Club on a Sunday she earned about half this amount.

    • Flash inner city restaurants – definitely not Gloria Jeans or Coffee Club.

      • Having just had a skim of the NSW Restaurant Industry Award 2010 {MA000119}, a Grade 3 Food and Beverage Attendant, Casual (what we used to call senior bar staff, waiters, cashiers) gets a base rate of $21.66 and as of mid next year, can attract penalty rates of 100%, a 9 or 10 hour shift puts you up at $400.
        It probably isn’t the norm, but it is a lot of money to pay someone to serve coffee.

        • It probably isn’t the norm,
          So why are you quoting it?
          paying a kid 400 plus dollars a day was the original quote. There aren’t any “kids” earning $400 a day or anywhere near it. Most “kids’ are earning between $15.96 and $16.42 per hour in NSW.
          That’s closer to the norm. To use a maximum rate and represent it as typical, is quite simply, spin.

          • I’m quoting it, you sad lackwit, because it is about to become the norm (you see the bit where I mention “mid next year”).  the other point is that I am quoting the NSW award rate – plenty of people get above the award rate, so it is a very gutsy call to suggest “no kid gets $400” a day – I realise you are dim, but for gods sake, why advertise it?
            Oh and don’t bother replying. I know you’ll just lie, evade and shift the goalposts as per usual. but why not spend the time answering the question you evaded earlier about if you have ever been to the US?

          • “paying a kid 400 plus dollars a day to serve coffee is viable just because it’s a Sunday”…..from your post 17 whatever.  Sundays attract double time rates.  People on lower rates due to job description get less, naturally.  Your ‘kid’ on 16 bucks an hour working eight hours would get 256…hey that’s not bad.  Harry quoted rates for senior staff as he stated whilst backing Kev’s infomation.  Any one under forty to kev, is ‘a kid’.  You allow personalities to interfere with your judgement and fire off with the keyboard without fully digesting what you read. Wakey, wakey hands off…..

    • Today’s news from Hobart
      $40 an hour for dishwashers and baristas, $50 an hour for cooks in a café on a public holiday.
      most businesses in Hobart stayed shut.

  • it is about to become the norm
    So? Isn’t it a state award, and anyway, won’t metronone tone save us all in the end?
    plenty of people get above the award rate
    I’d dispute the “plenty” – show data. And for the small proportion that do, surely that’s the employer’s perogative.
    I know you’ll just lie, evade and shift the goalposts as per usual. but why not spend the time answering the question you evaded earlier about if you have ever been to the US?
    I don’t lie, nor do I spin as furiously as you. And I certainly won’t dance to your tune, when it comes to answering questions.

  • Metronone Tone? 
    Love it!

  • It ‘s actually Metronome Tone.
    Like a metronome, he is extremely limited in that he has only two directions in which he can move – left and right.
    He is fond of moving in both directions simultaneously on any given topic (e.g. from “global warning is crap” to “we support direct action on climate change”) depending on the audience.
    His political discourse, like a metronome, is stuck in repetitive activity, mostly of the three word slogan kind, so as not to confuse the bogans who vote for his party.
    The clincher, of course is his gait. He swaggers, metronome like, through an amplitude of between ten and twenty degrees as he walks, something learned at Riverview where to this day, classes in Entitled to Rule 101 are still offered.
    Hence Metronome Tone.

  • .
    “It ‘s actually Metronome Tone”…..thats about as close to an admission of 1735099 making an error as I have seen.
    “Like a metronome, he is extremely limited in that he has only two directions in which he can move – left and right.”…..turn your metronome ninety degrees to the left or right on top your piano and it moves back and forth. It’s a perception thing…you require a little more flexibiliy in the way you see things.
    “e.g. from “global warning is crap.”……another incorrect quote from 1735099 who previously stated that the quote was “global warming is crap” when in fact the quote should have been “the global warming ‘arguement’ is crap”.
    If as you say,”bogans” vote for Tony’s party, what does make someone who espouses all things Labor and votes Green?…..someone without credibility.
    By the way, by common usage, “bogans” reputedly reside in low socio-economic communities…..areas targeted by and claimed as the heartland of the Labor party. If you want to use derogatory terminology, get it right.  The people of those communities are waking up to the self-serving members of the Labor party and things are about to change.  

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