The Reef is safe

Letters to the Editor of The Australian

I CAN’T understand the attitude of the Queensland and federal governments towards the Great Barrier Reef (“Great barrier grief, 1/2).

No amount of royalties will ever pay back the value lost to future generations by the loss of this natural wonder.

Generations have enjoyed it and I would like to see future families and tourists have their holidays there too.

I thank the Marine Conservation Society and many individuals for their efforts, and call on governments to ensure the reef’s protection.

John Patterson, Highbury, SA

I would think that there  a lot of things that John doesn’t understand going by his letter.  With 7,000 ks of coastline and about a third of that taken up by the Great Barrier Reef a few coal terminals isn’t going to lead to the “loss of this natural wonder”  In fact, the case could be argued that with the increase in revenue the state government may be in a better position to look after the reef. Nature does more damage to the reef than a mob of coal ships ever will.  Each cyclone knocks the reef about but she recovers from these storms in time.  Very occasionally a ship does go aground and affects maybe a 100 metres of the reef, say one twentysix thousandths of it’s length, and in due course it recovers from that as well. The coal industry depends on getting the coal to market so the last thing they want is a ship grounded on the reef.  The country and state depends on the reef for tourism so the last thing they want is a ship grounded on the reef. I can assure John that everyone will be working to ensure his nightmare never happens. In the meantime John, stop believing The Greens propaganda.

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