He said..she said..

Alan Jones make an unsavoury aside at a private meeting and the ALP/ABC and all the left are falling over their hypocritical selves to condemn Jones, and by association, Abbott. The explosions of self-rightous indignation are laughable considering the filth and obscenities that the Left use and whereas most people would agree that Alan’s comments were in poor taste, right about now they are also thinking that the ALP’s reactions are a bit over the top and drawing a very long bow to use his comment to attack Abbott. Still, on a long weekend of little news other than football finals, a distraction is welcomed by the ALP. Let’s face it, they would rather the media, and the compliant ABC, have something else to talk about other than the frightening incompetence of the government. Much better than discussing the fact that we have a PM who has previously been sacked from a law firm for aiding and abetting a felony being the theft of considerable sums from unions; who was complicit in the break up of two marriages; who is shacked up in the lodge with her latest handbag and who has shown such mendacity,incompetence and disloyalty to her then elected leader, that I wonder whether her moral compass just points to ‘Obtain and Maintain Power’ no matter which way it is aligned. Attacking and blaming everyone else for the nation’s woes is the sign of a government that has nothing to offer other than abuse. We want more, Julia.


  • John Van Krimpen

    If she was my daughter, I’d probably be dead too.

    She’s a fucken disgrace. 

  • The media is full of Alan Jones’ non-apology.
    His “apology” if anything reveals him as a silly obsessed old man. Obsessed with himself – that is.  Why does any journalist give this shrill old Queen the time of day?
    Perhaps they’re suffering from collective amnesia. They’ve forgotten that he was a strong supporter of Pauline Hanson. They’ve forgotten his adventures in London. They’ve forgotten that he made up stories reflecting badly on the ACT police when there weren’t as many trucks at his convoy of no confidence as he’d commanded.
    They’ve forgotten his innumerable brushes with the courts. They’ve forgotten that he was largely responsible for the Cronulla riots. They’ve forgotten his unsuccessful venture into television.

    Alan Jones – a pimple on the bum of our national discourse. Like any pimple on the bum, best hidden & ignored…………

  • I was and am a supporter of Pauline Hanson’s policies as well, not quite a strict white policy believer but I do think that certain nationalities don’t mix with others and I don’t think that we should be supporting those people that won’t assimilate. This country has been built on pommy convicts and foreign migrants along with the original inhabitants, but one way or another we get on.
    Having said all that I realise that has got nothing to do with Alan Jones, I know that, the majority of you know that but numbers has to drag in the usual shit. If it was meaningful dialogue I wouldn’t mind but crap is something I can do without.

  • Hello 17……..

    Last time we corresponded was in June under Kev’s heading “Ah Diddums”.  That was in relation to my claim that Singapore would not have Muslim pilots in the RSAF.  Your final post was dismissive of my claim, despite the fact I and several other expats had been told about it by RSAF pilots, and had experienced it first hand with two RSAF squadrons over a period of several years.  
    Since then I have been in contact with Singapore’s Ministry of Defence about the matter.  First off, the Ministry forwarded me their policy on employment in the SAF.  It states:  The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) decide on appointments and advancements based on the qualifications and merits of the servicemen, so long as they are committed to Singapore, dedicated to the SAF, and capable of doing the job. Muslim servicemen do serve in a variety of roles in the SAF including as pilots with the Republic of Singapore Air Force, as long as they meet the assessment and are qualified for the job.
    I have underlined part of the policy as it offers an out to the employment of “undesirables” in any occupation.  In this regard, I’m sure you will be aware of the complaints in the Singapore media that Malays are not allowed to serve in sensitive posts in SAF signals.  
    If you want to dismiss this as media rubbish, as you did some material in Ah Diddums, where you wrote: “The media is (sic) Singapore is about as reliable as it is here – always trying to whip up xenophobic hysteria,” would you consider taking your own advice?  This would relieve you of the need to link to media sites, even though they support whatever argument, xenophobic or otherwise, you are promoting at the time.
    When I kept asking for the numbers of Muslim pilots in the RSAF, I next received an email wanting to know why I wanted the information and then, an email wanting to know the names of the officers who had told me about the policy.  Some months down the track, I have yet to receive advice as to the numbers.  Perhaps you can tell me why.  
    However, I did learn from an ex-RAAF friend of mine who had served with the RSAF that one of the Muslim pilots referred to in the earlier material was already in the RSAF before he converted to Islam to marry a Muslim girl.  It may not be a parallel situation, but the story reminded me of another ex-pilot friend of mine who converted to Islam to marry a Malaysian Airlines Muslim flight attendant.  Having done so, he ignored the religion and treated his “conversion” as a joke.  His wife was not concerned as she was fully aware his conversion was a sham.  
    I cannot tell from the photograph you referenced whether the pilot in it is a Muslim or not – and neither can you.  As for the “third” pilot no trace of him exists as far as I can tell.  If I ever find out from the Singaporeans how many Muslim pilots are employed I will let you know.  
    In the meantime, can you confirm that I and the other expats did not see the things we saw and did not hear what we were told?  On receipt, they and I will seek the appropriate treatment.
    Bearing in mind the bombings, blastings and beheadings conducted by Muslims since June, I  suggest your final comment  “I bet you also believe that white is black, the Pope’s a protestant, and there are fairies (probably wearing burkas) at the bottom of your garden” is looking pretty wobbly.  However, if you think a expletive laden reply will squelch this conclusion, feel free to provide one.  
    As for burka wearing fairies, prior to 9/11 I spent 7 months in Egypt and 5+ years in Saudi.  Would like me to tell you what I experienced in both countries?  Would you also like me to tell you what I saw as a flight simulator instructor in Saudi, and why I believe our airlines and the ADF should be permitted to refuse employment to Muslims as pilots?   
    When the first aircraft hit the WTC, I commented to my wife a similar accident had occurred in WWII when the cloud shrouded Empire State Building was struck by a B-25 .   However, I could not understand how such an accident could occur in unlimited visibility. When the second one struck, I remarked it was unquestionably the work of your sons of burka wearing fairies.  It wasn’t a difficult conclusion – you would have reached the same one I am sure.
    I left Saudi in 1995, but six years later I well remembered the hatred of the West and its people spewed forth from the mosques by screaming, semi hysterical imams.  An attack was the inevitable result of that vitriol.  Has the venom and the white hot hate decreased since I left?  Events since then would indicate it has not.  
    You will remember B A Santamaria.  I cannot source the quote, but I recall him saying soon after the fall of the USSR in 1990/91:  “With the collapse of Communism, the next enemy of the West will be Islam”.   Do you think he was wrong?  

    If you do not, why would any sane government employ its enemies in sensitive positions?  Should we, for example, employ Muslims as F/A 18 pilots or, in signals or signals intelligence?

  • Muslim servicemen do serve in a variety of roles in the SAF including as pilots with the Republic of Singapore Air Force, as long as they meet the assessment and are qualified for the job.

    I could have told you that a long time ago.

    If I ever find out from the Singaporeans

    If the Singaporeans have any sense they’ll tell you to piss off and mind your own business.
    It takes one hell of a hide to think you have the right (and the authority) to make judgements on how a foreign country makes recruiting decisions in its defence forces. Having said that, it’s revealing of the arrogance demonstrated by some western ex-pats who believe that they are somehow superior because they’ve spent time in the middle east.
    Reminds me of Kipling’s line – the lesser breeds outside the law

  • 17 etc –  It’s a pity that you lead with shrill old Queen. Almost as a bad a personal insult as suggesting someone died of shame due to his daughters mendacity, low morals and ethics. I presume you realize the entire episode is all about just trying to get Jones off the air.  He is dangerous to the ALP as he continually points out their incompetence to hundreds of thousands of listeners in what was once ALP heartland.

    Trying to sheet some of the blame home to Abbott was a good move as well, don’t you think? Worked well with Bligh and Newman. As the ALP get more and more shrill the people will realize they have nothing to campaign about and therefore need to be replaced 

    Sure, Jones has had a coloured past and comes across a bit strong at times but  by comparison Gillard is what – a paragon of virtue?

    The ALP are still hanging in there though – I note Bob Carr harassing 2GB on ABC24  just a moment ago while underneath his handsome countenance appears the words “Williamson arrested’.  Damn, the media will now be obliged to talk about Union theft and ALP complicity.  All we need now is for Thomson to be visited by the Police.

    Looking good, eh 17? 

  • as bad a personal insult as
    Only if you’re homophobic.
    the entire episode
    Now I understand. It’s a conspiracy instigated by God knows who to stop the parrot squawking. Trouble is, how was Jones got at so that he made such a vicious comment? He’s obvioulsy been taken over by some malevolent external force as part of Labor’s diabolical plot. Perhaps a Labor apparatchik wore a cravat to disguise himself as young Lib and spiked his drink.
    Devilishly cunning these Labor people – tin foil hats all round……

  • Only if you’re homophobic. That was my point!
    I didn’t suggest a conspiracy – nothing overt about the ALP abusing radio announcers who point out the many ALP stuff-ups. They would love to close Jones down but it ain’t going to happen . 

    1735099 says:
    Thursday, 4 Oct 12 at 15:32
    as bad a personal insult as
    Only if you’re homophobic.

    That is rich phone number! as I recall you took immediate offence when I referred to you as “princess” some time ago (based on your thin skin IIRC). on the basis of your above statement princess I assume you are admitting that you are homophobic. or totally lack integrity.  as a matter of interest, which is it?

    Hello 17…
    I mark you 10/10 for ducking and weaving as you did not answer one question.  This was disappointing, as someone who quotes Kipling should not have found the questions difficult.  I will ask some more later.
    Abuse merited 4/10.  Other lefties who also see things the way they want them to be, rather than the way they are, have been much more abusive when I have questioned their fawning over Islam and multiculturalism.
    Worst was your score for truthfulness – a miserable 0/10.  Your claim “I could have told you that a long time ago” is not supported by your previous posts nor by the ex prime minister of Malaysia.  In fact it’s clear you had no idea at all until you discussed the subject with your Singaporean friends in May.  Bad show.
    Your comment: “Reminds me of Kipling’s line – the lesser breeds outside the law” was surely meant to send all Kev’s readers into a deep swoon, while dealing me  a knockout blow.   However, It seems Kipling was referring to Germans in this line.  The connection is not obvious to me.  Nevertheless, I’ll play the game and press on about “lesser breeds”.  

    In case you were not aware, Singapore has three distinct strata.  At the top are the Chinese.  Some way below are the Indians and almost out of sight are the Muslim/Malays.  I expect your Singaporean friends will dispute this, and claim that Singapore treats all equally, fairly and compassionately without regard to race or religion etc, etc.

    Here is how you can trump them.  Show them what is at this link: 
    http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/01/27/1043534006407.html and point out the way Singapore treats asylum seekers – urgers or otherwise. 
    That sounds like a country that puts its own interests first.  If so, wouldn’t such a country do the same with regard to those it lets operate or lets near, its sensitive assets?  Yet again I refer you to LKY’s comment that Singapore does not believe it can integrate its Muslims.  Was he, along with Mahathir Mohammed and the seven sim instructorswrong, leaving you as the oracle?
    Singapore does however, know how to control its potentially fractious religious citizens – they get a hiding plus contemplative time in stone college if they step out of line.  It works too.
    Other “lesser breeds” you will have heard about are the Jews – according to Islam’s followers.  After having given their Muslim neighbours four beltings since 1948, one would have thought that even the dimmest of Allah’s followers would have worked out by now whose side Allah is on.
    Certainly the Muttawa’in; those vicious, evil, sadistic and fanatical bash artists haven’t.  They are commonly known as the religious police and it was they who would not allow schoolgirls to escape their burning building in Mecca in 2002, because they were not properly dressed.  Fifteen of the girls were burnt to death.
    These thugs dress in a distinctive way, and I have seen them in Lakemba.  Here’s an easy one for you – should we have these creatures in this country?
    The Muttawa’in treatment of the Jews is bizarre.  Buy an atlas in Saudi and you will find the word Israel has been blanked out wherever it appears.  Problem solved – the Jews have been wiped out with a marker pen.  Brilliant!   
    Maybe that helps explain why all 56 member nations of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation belong to the third world.  Or, would you prefer to believe that fact is not significant?
    As you introduced a quotation I’ll add a few sources for some more.  I can’t give the actual quotes as we are once again visiting the home of the Great Satan and the books are at home.  All the quotes are condemnatory of Islam and may be found in The River War (first edition only) by Winston Churchill, The Desert Column by Ion Idriess, War As I Knew It by General George Patton and finally, comments made in a speech last year by General Jim Molan.
    There is a pattern here 17…..  and it extends over 100 years.  Those who have experienced Islam at first hand don’t like it one bit, which contrasts with the warmth felt by those whose practical knowledge of it is minimal.
    Try hard not to be gulled by Keysar Trad and his friends.  He founded the Islamic Australian Friendship Society but was also a translator for Nadu’al Islam.  Its website was taken down in the late 90s and you cannot now find it with the usual search engines.  
    However, I have the link at home and will provide it to Kev on RTA.  I hope you will read the articles.  They will give you an insight into what the products of Islam really think about Australia and its “lesser breeds” as against what they tell you.  
    Finally, compare the flag of Saudi Arabia which displays a sword and the inscription “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his Messenger” to other flags – there isn’t one remotely like it.  It’s both a statement and a threat.  
    Is the picture becoming clearer?

  • “A quote from an 1899 book by Winston Churchill, “The River War”, in which he describes Muslims he apparently observed during Kitchener’s campaign in the Sudan”“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife, or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science – the science against which it had vainly struggled – the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient” Rome

    Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_Winston_Churchill's_quote_on_Islam#ixzz28Tr7C42j

  • Rolly…could’ve been written yesterday or, in the 12 the century.  So true

  • But numbers will still continue to blame it on the USA for the Islam acts of terrorism..

  • A glance at Australian history reveals that there has always been a pathological need to fear something. There’s a permanent bogey man hiding under the bed occupied by our national psyche. Perhaps it has something to do with our convict origins. Perhaps being dragged to the ends of the earth, never to see your home and family again, is deeply traumatising – and a kind of collective historical PTSD has emerged, the primary symptom being this irrational fear.
    Whatever its origin, from time to time, pollies use this fear to frighten the voters. It works a treat.
    The fact that more often than not, the objects of this chronic fear and loathing have turned out to be historical chimeras, has been conveniently overlooked.
    First it was the Chinese. Remember Lambing Flats? Then there was the Hun in WW1, followed by the Commies in the late 20s (remember the New Guard?) and again in the 50s and 60s.
    Ming turned the fear of Communism into an art form – tried unsuccessfully to have the party banned, and surfed into power on the backwash over and over again.
    Then the wave of post-war immigrants became the target. The terms “wog” and “reffos” were all the go. The fact that the post war nation was largely built on the backs of these people blunted it somewhat, but it still simmered under the surface.
    The mythical nature of these fears is revealed by the sweep of history. Ironically, the real dangers (Imperial Japan is a good example) never generated fear and loathing until well after the threat became obvious. Remember how the Japanese were considered short sighted and technologically incompetent? Ming was dismissive and happy to sell them the materials to wage war. Fascism emerged in this country between the wars, and admiration for Hitler (he made the trains run on time) and Mussolini was fashionable in some circles.
    There were other consistent anxieties. The Protestants were afraid of the Catholics, and the straights of the gays. The former has evaporated, and a rearguard action is being fought around the latter in our legislatures, but it is also fading.
    There were dark mutterings in the seventies and eighties about Vietnamese boat people, but back then we had political leadership with mettle, and it was essentially defused.
    Compare that with the recent hysteria generated by boat arrivals. It’s been variously called an “invasion” or a “wave”, when a more accurate metaphor would be a “trickle” when our intake is compared with other countries. But then, a sense of proportion goes out the window, when a good scare is exploited, and Howard used it well in 2001.
    There’s always been a fear of Aborigines. Remember Mabo? Remember how the Kooris were going to be camping in our back yards and taking over our parks and gardens as a result of the decision? I wonder what happened to all of that?
    The potency of that particular brand of paranoia had enough power between 1813 and 1830 to wipe out an entire race in Tasmania – powerful stuff.
    And now it’s the Muslims. A group of religious fanatics kill 3000 civilians in New York and Washington, and in the “get square” at least 120000 civilians have died in Iraq, as well as over 4000 coalition soldiers. the fact that extensive reserves of light sweet crude are found in countries where Islam holds sway is scarcely irrelevant.
    Fear and loathing as a political tool has been use successfully on the template established in europe in the 30s by politicians on all sides lacking in backbone, leadership and courage. It takes a coward to understand how to effectively use fear.
    Frankly I’m jack of it. You can shove your own particular brand of bigotry where the sun doesn’t shine.
    I saw enough of the results of fear and loathing 40 years ago to convince me that it’s entirely destructive.

  • Can someone call a plumber and fix that dribbly tap…worse than the chinese water torture, the convolutions are giving me a headache…..

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