Polls good for Abbott

But not according to the Age. Prime Minister Julia Gillard will “absolutely” lead Labor to the next election, her fellow cabinet ministers say, despite Labor equalling its lowest-ever Fairfax/Nielsen poll result. Great. We need her to stay there so all and sundry can be reminded of the poor performance of herself and the government she leads.
The latest Nielsen poll brings bad news for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and worse news for Labor.
Note they lead with so called ‘bad news for Tony Abbott’ hoping that is your lasting impression of the article. That sentence is a contradiction in terms and can only be written by someone who simply needs to find something positive for the ALP in a sea of rejection. This is what it’s all about.
Today’s poll puts Labor’s primary vote at 26 per cent, while, two party preferred, the Coalition comprehensively leads Labor by 57 per cent to 43 per cent. If there was a uniform swing, this would give the Coalition about 31 extra seats.
Still looking for the bad news for Tony Wait…here it is.
Mr Abbott’s personal approval also fell 5 points to 39 per cent, while his disapproval rose 5 points to 57 per cent.
As politics never was a popularity contest, personal approval doesn’t elect governments, the two party preferred does, then at this stage of the election cycle these figures are gold. When the election campaign proper begins then Coalition policies will be released and the popularity polls will most probably change.

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