Anna just doesn’t get it

The LNP started the week by announcing their Better Access to Specialist Care policy.
On Monday Anna Bligh accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor
In Cairns on Tuesday, the LNP announced a Regional College for Disaster Management and their policy for Breaking the Cycle of Youth Crime, which includes boosting the number of school based police.
On Tuesday Anna Bligh accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor
On Wednesday, the LNP committed to cutting Labor’s projected public transport fare increases in half – reducing the cost of commuting for South East Queensland Commuters.
On Wednesday Anna Bligh accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor
On Thursday, the LNP announced their plan to support the agricultural industry by investing in research and development as well as training. CanDo was joined by former Prime Minister John Howard in the Ashgrove Electorate for the announcement of their Blueprint for Queensland Small Businesses
On Thursday Anna Bligh accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor
On Friday in Springwood the LNP announced their Education Policy and their goal to make Queensland one of the leading states for literacy and numeracy by 2020.
On Friday Anna Bligh received the Flood Inquiry report which could open up the state to billions in litigation and accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor.
On Saturday The CMC report on Anna’s accusations;
“In all matters, the CMC has established there is currently no evidence of official misconduct on the part of Campbell Newman in relation to the allegations raised while he was Lord Mayor of Brisbane,” “On that basis, the CMC will not be conducting any investigation in relation to Mr Newman.”
She doesn’t even pause to accept the truth.
On Saturday Anna Bligh still accuses CanDO of official misconduct whilst Lord Mayor
She steadfastly refuses to apologise. She goes on to say it is too early to tell if Liberal National Party leader Campbell Newman will be cleared of corruption claims. What part of “there is no evidence of official misconduct” don’t you understand, Anna? So, a week of the LNP issuing policy statements while Anna continues to accuse CanDo of misconduct in spite of the CMC saying there isn’t any evidence to support her claim. No ALP policies, other than free swimming lessons, just baseless accusations – that’s all the ammo she has left. She knows she cannot stand on her own record, it being so abysmal, so her only hope of maintaining power is to slander the opposition and hope enough voters fall for her lies. On all accounts it’s not working…roll on Saturday!


  • Baseless accusations against a capable man, an unwillingness to retract them when the inquiry comes back negative, an unwillingness to apologise for making them in the first place – are you absolutely sure that it is Anna Bligh involved, not Stephen Smith?

  • John Van Krimpen

    The writing was writ large on the wall since she privatised without permission.

    The only question was always by how much, which still remains.

    Poll: 30% Primary.

    Add rumors that Kate Jones was involved in the Water Company mess seems Newman and the LNP will have one of Queenland’s highest majorities in history.

    Me I always vote our local member a good grassroots candidate, LNP.

    Playing the man as a tactic in a leadership challenge is that US style politics, which does not play well in Australia and especially Qld.

    Here is the story, a good track record Mayoral candidate in Queensland’s largest city, moves to lead the State taking over from a government, untrusted, suspected of flooding a capital city, privatising government entities without asking a fiercely independent conservative electorate in the main.

    The ALP had no ammo so played the man, they had no choice.

    That they played the man by corrupting the corruption watchdog itself is the bit I can’t prognosticate in results, but one thing I am certain of it will be remembered a long long time.

  • John Van Krimpen

    One final thing I know about my fellow Queenslanders, there is just not a lot of shit in them.

    But if they swing they swing in a bloc concrete solid.

    Me I would not like to be in ALP members shoes this next 9 days. Looks like a wave of hurt coming.

    Selling assets to fix insolvency issues in a state with income like ours is inexcusable and won’t be excused.

    Also we fought the global warming conspiracy tooth and nail here and got our capital city flooded for our trouble.

  • Maybe if Bligh appeared on camera with her husband feeling her up she may get some sympathy votes

  • She’ll be gettin’ it on Saturday evening, that’s fer shure!

  • I wish I was as sure of “getting it” on Saturday night. I’d start smiling this very minute.

  • All you Queenslanders – wield your electoral bats hard and often on Saturday…

  • John Van Krimpen

    In the interests of contributing to this blog, Anthony Greens election swingometer is up.

    Election slider:

    Plugging the Galaxy poll latest into the machine, ALP is a bakers dozen at 13 the indies a couple might be sweating, tho I think Liz Cunningham might be safe.

    The swing won’t be uniform but the rain here on the coast over night was biblical. So Peter Wellington an indie might be in strife people might ignore him, just to kick ALP.

    Other local news here on the rain soaked coast, there was a riot at a local Amart sporting goods store when they ran out of aluminium baseball bats, I never knew baseball was a favored sport here just goes to show does it not, we like sport all of it and believe in fair play above all.

    Me I reckon the bakers dozen is optimistic for the ALP. This rain will npot help the ALP.

    • Looking at it last night – playing with the swing figures.

      Looks good and baseball bats are all the go in Queensland right now.

      • John Van Krimpen

        Yeah, Me I could not believe they played the corruption card in Queensland of all places.

        That positioning of Newman in Ashgrove and the Gap is brilliant, what a lot of these media types just don’t get. The Gap and Ashrove are the aspirational types, a lot of professional and pragmatic business people live there.

        So it became a vote for Kate the environment minister involved with Queenlsand water (deputy or something to a minister) or Campbell bloody Newman who was screaming bloody murder about Wyvenhoe and flood for a good two months before the event.

        I don’t know where people got that bloody stupid idea, that Kate was gonna halt Newman with a bit of political theatrics over corruption. Queensland prides itself as a business state, a place to do business. Joh’s legacy.

        Me I would know much about the Gap and Ashgrove I only lived there about 8 years and private tutored for a few of them years.

        Those suburbs are not latte, just successful aspirants.

        • “Joh’s legacy”- You have a short and selective memory. There was a commission, remember?
          Joh’s legacy was rampant corruption.

        • John Van Krimpen

          Yes I remember the Joh years.

          Yes I remember the Fitzgerald Royal Commission.
          Yes I had to deal with some of it, professionally, dufus.

          But I forgot being of the left caring compassion industry, right corrupt means never having to balance views, what is the difference between the Joh years and the ALP years.

          I also saw Queensland become an Industrial and Tourist mecca. Saw highways built saw Brisbane become a First world city from a sleepy Country village. Dams and Roads and power supply.

          The crowning achievements for the ALP, removal of the triple AAA rating, debts, assetts sold, power costs skyrocketing and a state capital flooded that might not have needed quite as much water as it got.

          It’s called balance.

          I don’t have a short selective memory. I saw the best and worst. Remember that next time you drive on a highway to take your pretty little landscape piccies, you lose arguments here all the time and still don’t get it.

          Anyway sucks to be a lefty loser in Queensland today, me I’m a centrist.

  • John Van Krimpen

    Just submitted the following prediction on Blair’s Blog, under my nom d’guerre.

    Of course as a mariner of repute and not knowing much about politickles and other landlubber antics and tomfooleries I will of course espouse most wisely and sagaciously the following.


    Bligh marooned somewhere n.e of Bribie Island with a blockade of men of the line providing direction nor by easterly.

    Various of her ilk in a mixture of coracles, mini whale boats and kiddie paddling pools paddling like crazy in circles trying to follow her from the roar of cannons.

    Capn Can Do a bluff hearty type, roaring with bellow like laughter from his good ship the Industrious,

    “show the lubbers directions to Davey and his locker me hearties”.

    Various other will be fish rations for great whites with unfastidious tastes.

    LNP 177, Labor – 100,000 Greens lost in the Jungles of FNQ

    and Katter holding a tea party with rabbits and doormice.

    But Laurie Oakes last line nails it all

    Extract from :

    Labor is no longer fighting the conservatives for the middle ground. It is battling them over its own base vote.

    My summary:

    Labor used to represent the working class when it was illiterate and needed representation, now it pretends they are still illiterate, it’s just plain bloody arrogance with corruption thrown in.

  • John Van Krimpen

    Well talking about IT and putting IT in perspective, Labor and Premier Bligh got IT last night.

    So did Campbell Bloody Newman if the look on his wife’s face and tongue kiss was any indication, lucky bastard.

    ALP and the Greens in Queensland look rooted to me.

    About 80 out of 90 right of centre seats.

  • The Greens result is promising. I always said that the only positive out of the Greens having balance of power in Canberra was that the voters would see more clearly what anti Australian idiots they are

  • Anthony Green observed this mrnoing that pretty much all commentators blogospherical and MSM got it wrong (I assume he\’s including himself). Green\’s take is that everyone was mesmerised with the polls rather than the campaign ask itself.The LNP needed to take 22 seats to form a majority government, many of them held with huge, Beattie-bequeathed ALP majorities. Was it ever, realistically, going to happen?I didn\’t have the sense that the Bligh government was on the nose to anywhere near the same extent that, say, the Iemma government was here in NSW during the 2007 state election and Iemma swept back into office, albeit facing an opposition leader who made Lawrence Springborg look substantial.The incumbency advantage offered to pragmatic, workmanlike state governments, stripped of ideology and publicly alert to community concerns is not to be underestimated. Chuck in looming hard times (fortunately not of the Queensland government\’s making) and changing horses looks even more dubious a proposition.Even going early (usually a no-no) worked to Anna Bligh\’s advantage because she was able to frame it as a need to swiftly establish political stability and certainty for Queenslanders as the storm clouds gather. In comparison, Alan Carpenter just looked like a shonk attempting to hide the election in Olympics noise when he went early in W.A.And the LNP was fighting its first election with a dude who kind of redefines wooden but granted, they certainly did a hell of a lot better than the Coalition did in the previous two elections outside Brisbane anyway and those big ALP majorities are looking a bit smaller today.I don\’t think Mark got it anymore wrong than any other commentator. The whole point of election commentary is to offer insight, weigh probabilities and possibilities and ponder a range of outcomes. If you\’re only interested in getting it right stick to the TAB\’s coverage.

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