Anna only looking after her family

The LNP are sticking to their positive approach to campaigning leaving it up to Anna to delve into the dirt. Without anything to brag about and a lot of reasons to divert voters attention elsewhere, Anna keeps hammering the fact that Newman has entrepreneurs in his extended family. It appears to me that a leader associated with enterprise where people actually earn money by their own efforts and succeed, is a good basis for a government leadership.
One personally-addressed flyer saying “Campbell is only interested in looking after one family and it’s not yours” complete with a photo of Lisa Newman smiling at her husband.
And this from the party that appoints Anna Bligh’s husband, Greg Withers, to a huge salaried sinecure in the Office of Climate Change within DERM. Thus, one could argue that it is also fair to say Anna is only interested in looking after one family and it isn’t yours. Anna’s motivation must be her family. No one could say it’s the state, with debt spiraling out of hand, our AAA credit rating gone and the state paying $100 m a week to service ALP loans. I note the “If Cando doesn’t win who will be the LNP leader?” campaign gained some traction last week but really, If Anna doesn’t win her seat who will be ALP leader, is also a reasonable question. All party leaders have to campaign and win their own seat and it’s no different in Queensland. True, Anna’s chances of holding her seat are better than CanDO winning Ashgrove but the question is simply a distraction. Not long to go now!

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