Carr wreck imminent

Well knock me over with limp-wristed Leftie – I didn’t see that coming. I thought it was dead and buried but Julia’s ability to confound me has been enhanced. What was “completely untrue” a day or two ago is now “completely true”. The mind boggles. Carr won the battle and he is Foreign Minister Designate (he isn’t in the Senate yet). Gillard thinks she has won as well but I’m not so sure. Malcolm Farr heads the link to his article “Second-hand Carr”which is very apt. I wonder how Smith feels about all this. A happy little sandgroper? Don’t think so. He’ll take one for the team but I can well imagine a feeling of “Aren’t we good enough” will be the thought of the day at Team ALP. The positive is how must Kevin Rudd be feeling at the moment – unloved…angry…replaced by someone he thinks as inferior? I certainly hope so. I want him sniping from now to the election. The second-hand Carr may have a good track record – I don’t really know being a Queenslander but the NSW ALP right seem to love him and that could be a worry. People may tend to think of the appointment as another case of the NSW Right faction running the government. That’s my first thought so I’ll just have to wait and see how it pans out.

One comment

  • Krudd will be happily giving advice to CARR about the Burma situation, as hinted at in a report today. He’s not good enough to retain as Foreign Minister but as a source of information on how the job should be done, he’s obviously inspirational. “We are united,” they cried as they crushed him under foot in order to drain the last remnants of his knowledge from him. I wonder if Krudd will enjoy being used like a dirty bar towel.

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