Gillard admits she lied

JULIA Gillard has confirmed she held talks with former NSW premier Bob Carr over drafting him to serve in her government, sparking fresh opposition attacks on her honesty and political judgment. The Prime Minister has backed away from her claim that a report in The Australian on Wednesday revealing her dealings with Mr Carr was “completely untrue”, after being challenged by the opposition to repeat her claim in parliament. Of course she won’t do that – it’s a sackable offence so she just sticks to lying to the media The Australian newspaper reported on Wednesday Ms Gillard offered Mr Carr the minister job last week, after Kevin Rudd resigned to contest the Labor leadership and before Senator Mark Arbib announced he would retire from the upper house.
Ms Gillard told reporters in Canberra: “The story that’s on the front page of the Australian newspaper today is completely untrue.”
Time and time again she gets caught out and yet there still are people prepared to vote for her. Amazing!


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