They’ll be eating their kids next

All I want to do is sit and watch the ALP house burn down but unfortunately I’ve got a BAS to do and a website to build. Still, until Monday it’s only words so maybe tomorrow I can buy some popcorn, pull up a chair and enjoy the show. I read where Newspoll are releasing their poll on Monday instead of the usual Tuesday so that will help with the drama. Gillard and Rudd are campaigning for the dubious honour of leading the ALP to a thrashing at the next election. I don’t care what Rudd says – he will never be a leader and Gillard will more than likely win the spill on Monday and continue on her inept way. Abbott is getting a well earned rest. Nothing for him to do really…just sit there and watch the ALP implode. He is redundant for the next few days and when it is all resolved he can attack what’s left. Whether Gillard or Rudd are in the chair next week – Abbott has plenty of targets..instability…recycled losers…can’t run their party – how can they run a country…Rudd spoke of Climate Change being the greatest moral decision of our time and then dropped the ETS- Gillard said she never would have a Carbon tax and then legislated for it…Rudd cancelled a working Boat people programme and Gillard thought she would try East Timor but forgot to talk to the relevant people in ET…the list goes on but you will get to hear it all over the next year odd. Win-win really.


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