ALP looking to reinforce failure

People with the retention of a lightning strike are thinking; The ALP need to get rid of Gillard, let’s try Rudd again. I wonder how long it will take them to remember just how bad Rudd was? He claims to have learnt his lesson and has changed. He is only saying what he wants people to believe and if caucus believe him then the ALP are looking at worse poll figures than they have now. If he does win a ballot the ALP will most probably get some bounce but it will recoil after a week or so of him being back in the public arena. People will remember. Simon Crean, one of the few adults in the ALP, has told Rudd to join the team or quit and I think that is the best solution. Let’s stay with Gillard and just hold our breath, hoping she doesn’t stuff the country any more that she already has, and wait until we can get the Coalition in to sort out all the decay. God, the country is suffering!


  • I am generally conservative in my views, however I believe that the best thing for the ALPs long term survival is for them to pull the pin on this fiasco, go to an election and spend the next 6-10 years in opposition fixing their obviously disfunctional party/organisational structure. Every day is a new stuff up and their brand is getting a kicking. the bright side is that the public are actually getting to see just how destructive Green policies actually are, the possum patting, tree hugging, nice and ethical facade has been stripped bare. The Greens have hit their high water mark, but will the ALP survive? watch this space.

  • John Van Krimpen

    I can’t believe this soap opera.

    Our countries good name trashed, over a discussion about two incompetent leaders. The talk and gossip is not about what is best for Australia.

    There can be no harmony with either at the top.

    There are very few grown ups in the ALP nowadays to knock the caucous heads together and think about their representations and what they expect. FFS if it was me in this predicament I would call a town hall meeting in my electorate and ask the question.

    Getting your own people you represent, to answer you honestly would not be hard.

    For me Rudd has not changed and it’s all about him and he appeared to me quite insane, writing kiddies books while his cock ups compounded as Prime Minister. Gillard lied, flat out lied imposing a tax not mandated in any shape or form. Her personal history has caught up, which is tawdry to say the least and that travesty of misuse of the member’s members with prostitutes by way of his own organisation’s funds misused being covered up and propped up must end.

    It’s a farce if either lead at the end of next week and if Australia gets a lucky hand, then the incoming Prime Minister will have to promise to fix cock ups and forget grand visionary Whitlam gesture politics, knuckle down and rebuild the ALP brand from Bedrock.

    This is the 21st century and we definitely deserve a better Prime Minister than Mr Rudd or Ms GIllard.

    About time people started talking about Australia and Australians.

    I for one will listen to a conversation of Australia’s national interest.

  • I guess the next few days will be even more exciting than 22/02/2012.

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