FWA Investigation

Shorten on Fair Work Australia taking three years to investigate Thomson “The best way to protect Fair Work Australia is to protect its independence,” he told Channel Ten today.
“The argument which says the government needs to intervene would undermine its independence.
What about the argument which says the government already has intervened to slow down the investigation. It might not be true of course but if not, then FWA and the government will need to clarify why it has taken nearly three years to investigate the allegations that Thomson used Union credit cards on prostitutes, lavish meals and cash withdrawals. Had I had done the same whilst employed I would’ve been stood down during an investigation that would have been concluded in weeks at the most. Bill, the problem is, rightly or wrongly, the punters don’t believe you.


  • An extract from the investigating body’s manual

    “GN 8
    FWO Investigative Process
    © Commonwealth of Australia 9

    4.6. What factors influence investigations?
    (a) In 80% of cases, investigations into complaints will be completed in 90 days
    (b) Fair Work Inspectors conduct each investigation within an investigative framework, relying on the best available evidence and information. The processes involved in each investigation are executed (or not executed) at the discretion and control of the FWO and the Fair Work Inspector. Given the individual nature of investigations, each attaches a different approach to its conduct. Fair Work Inspectors exercise judgement and discretion in dealing with all matters. While the FWO encourages national consistency in decision making, discretion rests with the Fair Work Inspector to make the most appropriate decisions to deal with the factors and circumstances before them.
    (c) The investigative framework is affected by both legislated timeframes, and the requirement of the FWO to provide both parties to an investigation procedural fairness. These factors, in addition to matters outside the control of a Fair Work Inspector (for example, the level of cooperation afforded by parties to the investigation) may influence the course of an investigation, and the length of time required to complete an investigation. While a Fair Work Inspector will attempt to complete an investigation in a timely manner, the integrity of the investigation will not be compromised to expedite finalisation.”

    Nobody would expect this to be in the lower 80% of investigations but the time taken is a joke of huge proportions. The investigation into Julian Knight right up to sentencing only took 16 months and Martin Bryant only took 8 months…..what is going on? (As if we didn’t know.)

  • Thompson at it again? Pushing nepotism and making threats with his big stick in the local council business arena and still doing it in a fashion that indicates he has less intelligence than a year 8 student…..traceable, recordable and printable messages to councillors. Probably works in the union sector. Looks like it cost a few dollars and probably job training opportunities for many in his electorate. This buffoon is part of our Government?

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