Turn the boats back

TONY Abbott’s plan to send back all asylum-seeker boats has drawn fire from Indonesia’s police as well as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees as dangerous and in breach of international law. Presuming the Greens, human rights activists and other assorted left wing bleeders also disagree then that most probably makes it a good plan. The fact that he says he will turn back the boats doesn’t mean every boat will be turned back. It will depend on how quickly the illegal Social Security applicants can sabotage their boats, but at the very least, this should make for good video. I am a bit surprised at Admiral Barry being quoted in the media as being against the plan. He may care to look up ‘ethics of service officers’, particularly the bits that refer to how he should be apolitical lest he end up shoveling coal with the other RAN stokers after the next election. There will be more to Abbott’s plan than ‘turn the boats back’ but by announcing this aspect now it will allow the Social Security applicant’s fan club to wear out their angst and perfect their underestimation of Abbott to a more disillusioned level.


  • “After speaking at considerable length on Sunday with Commander Banks, the commanding officer of HMAS Adelaide, I have now reached the conclusion there is no evidence to support the claim that children were thrown overboard”
    Barrie quoted on 27.02.2002.
    Chris Barrie tells the truth. That’s a problem for a senior officer when his political masters play him for a mug. No wonder he’s gone public on this even after retirement – once bitten, twice shy.

    • Fill in application at Homestay-australia.com

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      Address Unit173, block 50, 99th Street

      Suburb Toowoomba State Qld Postcode 9905371

      Male Parent’s Name Bobby

      Occupation Consultant in Australian/American relations

      Birth Date 1947

      Female Parent’s Name


      Birth Date




      Year of Birth




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      Year of Birth

      Police Checks Completed Date of Police Checks

      (For all members of the family over the age of 18 years. Forms are available from your local Police Station. The placement of a student with you cannot be made until we have a copy of your Police Check record )


      Working with Children’s Check (Card). Card Numbers

      (For all members of the family over the age of 18 years. Forms are available from your local Post Office. The placement of a student with you cannot be made until we have a copy of your WWCC)

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      Smoking Allowed Of course Languages Spoken at Home 1. Queens English ast translated from Oirish
      2. Bad

      Internet Access : Dial Up Broadband Wireless

      Wouldn’t leave home without it.

      Number of Single rooms available for students ?

      2 and shed for extra.

      Is your Accommodation : A Home An Apartment A Bungalow

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      Your Interests, Hobbies ? Annoying online readers and anything with a slight tinge of pink.

      When I am allowed.

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      What meal plans can you provide per day : (Yes or No)

      3 Meals : Halal or Variations of rice dishes.

      2 Meals :

      Breakfast Only : Students may need access to your kitchen to cook their meals. They are required to leave the Kitchen as they find it.

      No Meals : Students may need access to your kitchen to cook their meals. They are required to leave the Kitchen as they find it.

      Can you provide Halal Meals ? What are Halal meals ?


      Mx5 pickup and delivery

      Transport : Available : Bus Train Tram

      Walking time to Transport ?

      7.5 seconds to driveway

      Total time to travel to the city

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      How did your hear about Homestay Australia ?

      Government suggestion to make immigration numbers increase.

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      Numbers matter not and I am not the sort of person that discriminates on a gender basis.

  • Kev, Mate not all good ideas come from the right.

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