Eco-terrorists on annual crime spree

How can anyone back this lunatic THREE Australians who boarded a Japanese whaling ship outside Australian waters were likely to suffer the consequences of taking the law into their own hands, Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said today. Good! The issue isn’t whaling, it’s the fact that Watson is allowed freedom when he clearly should be in jail for his terrorist activities. UPDATE: Even Greenpeace don’t like him

One comment

  • It’s a strange world. If I got into my fast inflatable boat and chose to zig zag across the front of a large vessel with intent to slow or stop that vessel, I would be arrested, my boat would be confiscated and I would be charged with all kinds of offences. If I boarded a vessel at sea in the dead of night with intent to blackmail or commit any offence at all, I would be treated as a criminal, confined, and eventually charged with appropriate offences…..that is if I wasn’t shot as a pirate as I boarded. But here we are Bob Shitcoloured is singing the praises of these idiots and extolling them as heroes. I am dumbfounded as are many other law-abiding Australians, and indeed people from all countries on the globe. It seems that to get your face in the news and recognised by the Fed. Government and it’s lackies, it is simply a matter of committing any number of offences either on foreign soil or against persons or organisations outside Australia and then scream “I’m an Australian citizen,” and wait for the phone call. I might move to W.A. and wait for the secession.

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