Indonesian payback

The Indons are going to halve their live cattle imports from Australia and who would blame them. The move demonstrated the need to change governments that wipe out an entire industry based on a TV programme. Of course, that’s not how ALP talking heads see it.
Queensland Premier Anna Bligh said the move demonstrated the need for beef producers to diversify locally as well as expand international markets.
It’s not expanding markets, it’s trying to recover from destroyed markets
A government taskforce, set up after the ban on live exports to Indonesia earlier this year, is looking at building a new abattoir near Mt Isa. “Producers in north Queensland may in fact be able to develop a domestic market in response to changes in the Indonesian market,” she told Sky News.
Who in their right mind are going to spend capital on a project when all it takes for the government to close it down again is for someone to take a video of cattle being slaughtered. Selective and ideologically based editing can make a Brahman dying of old age an emotionally charged vision. The people who make these type of videos don’t want us eating meat full stop.


  • The meat that is exported live to Indonesia is meat that Australians will not eat.

    There is a reason that there are live exports. Where the live exports are landed there is no reliable electricity and many people must shop daily at wet markets where they buy their perishables.

    An abattoir in Isa would be fine, but who will eat the meat? It won’t be accepted in countries where there is little or no reliable electricity.

    The problem with the payback is that it’s not the damned government who stopped the exports who will be punished, it’s the people on the land and their businesses which will go bust. The government doesn’t care about them at all, they’re too concerned with appearances and appeasing greens and koala cuddlers.

    • Outside of the lack of fridges they won’t be able to buy meat that has been processed on Australian wages. Back to eating fish heads!

  • Yeah, Kev.
    I forgot to mention the add-on costs of processing in Australia on Australian wages.

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