14 year old looking at Bali drug charges

A 14-year-old Australian boy arrested in Bali after allegedly being caught with a small amount of marijuana may have been set up, his lawyer says. Yeah…right! Still his lawyer has to do his job as he sees fit. Not only is the boy charged with possession but I note he was caught on his way to get a ‘massage’ Damn- they grow up so quickly these days, don’t they? Unfortunately for the boy, Rudd has stepped in. Mr Rudd said today that Australian officials were working closely with Indonesian authorities and had also been in contact with the family.
“I have just spoken with our ambassador in Jakarta (Greg Moriarty) and I have indicated to him that his number one priority in the immediate period ahead is how we support this young boy and his family and do everything we can to obtain his early return to Australia,” Mr Rudd said in Sydney last night.
I would have thought Greg Moriarty’s number one priority might be people smuggling or Australian Indonesian trade agreements or whatever issues that exist between the two countries and that he should just have someone keep an eye on the boy and his troubles. Still, that’s just me. I’m not trying to become PM or get a seat at the UN. Talking about Rudd, I picked up this quote from Latham at Catallaxy this morning;
(He) said that the reason that the public like Kevin Rudd is because they have never met him
Sounds about right.


  • Juliar must be drowning…..I see she has made a huge grasping attempt at a straw no other head of state would think about. A fourteen year old drug suspect in jail in Indonesia with a lawyer looking into a defence of “addiction” certainly should expect a call from the Prime Minister of Australia. I would have thought that a defence of “addiction” would only apply to a known addict. That would indicate that this upstanding young man with an obvious foot problem is a known user of illegal substances, possibly for the pain in his feet. He is also obviously uneducated as he has never heard or read of “the Bali Nine” or Michelle Corby. I know he hasn’t heard of the saying “When in Rome do as the Romans do” or he may have considered what the Romans will do to you if you chose to do otherwise. I guess this modern era is making me cynical, but with all the kids out there doing the right thing why isn’t the Prime Minister doing a ring around?

    • Maybe because Rudd has shown an interest and picked up some bogan votes she thinks she must have to follow suite or she will look lame.

      Who the hell is advising these people?

      • At a guess, some green from Nimbin that has pointed out that her popularity could go up if she appeals to the purported dope users of Australia. Where do they get those numbers from?

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