
ALP Tactic – spread rumours that the deficit is going to be $50 billion then come up with figures that say it’s only going to be $47.7 billion giving bragging rights on how good they are at managing the economy. Priceless. Swan;
“The fact is that we have shown in the past that we have the ability, the capacity and the proven record to deal with those circumstances, but those circumstances have not played out as yet
Yeah, right Wayne
“The government remains determined to return the budget to surplus in 2012-13, despite softer than expected revenues and increased global instability that will inevitably make that task more difficult,” he said
I’m reasonably confident that the next budget surplus will be after the Coalition wrests the Treasury keys from Wayne.


  • Neither Swan nor Cairns ever saw a blank cheque they would not sign.

  • Imagine how good they’d look if they broke one more promise…..nat. broadband implementation.

  • “The fact is that we have shown in the past that we have the ability, the capacity and the proven record to deal with those circumstances, but those circumstances have not played out as yet”

    Well how the hell do they know if they can deal with them? Muppets.

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