
KEY independent MP Andrew Wilkie says he won’t stand in the way of a possible compensation package for clubs hit by planned poker machine reforms. Why should he, it’s not costing him anything – it’s only government money after all. The annoying thing about the proposed Pokie legislation is it is born out of Gillard’s desire to stay in power. Its blood line is Desperate PM by Weird Lefty. Remember that, the debate is not about whether its a good idea or not – its about Gillard staying in power. Obviously the legislation will end up costing the clubs and the taxpayer money as the Nanny State ramps up another bureaucracy trying to force us to live and breathe as others would like. I don’t gamble and I don’t play the pokies. If I go to a club or pub I do so for social reasons – I’d rather chat to someone than stare at a screen. If others wish to do so then good on them but its not my bag. If some have problems with gambling then its been my experience, and I have been a Secretary Manager, that they will gamble their money elsewhere if forbidden locally. I can’t see the legislation fixing up problem gambling but I can see it costing clubs and the taxpayer money. A typical Left wing/ALP solution to a problem – legislate… compensate… ignore the fact that the whole process failed…..move on.

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