Senate inquiry into ruining an industry

I can’t imagine anything more stupid than ruining an entire industry based on a TV programme unless it is doing same based on a TV programme where ativists pay someone to act in such a manner as to cause distress to sensitive viewers thus forcing the government to make a stupid decision. From Christopher Pearson;
I saw Liberal senator Chris Back, a vet with years of professional experience dealing with cruelty to animals, talking on Sky News about the abattoir footage, and he was pretty convincing. He said he’d studied it carefully and that there was an element in it that didn’t quite ring true, something formulaic and gratuitous about the violence.
Am I prepared to believe that animal activists would pay someone to mistreat animals so as to enhance their vegan based closing down of the meat industry? Damn right I am! Pearson again;
It’s strange to contemplate the possibility that Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig may have made a career-ending blunder on the strength of televised displays of cruelty, which may in turn all have been choreographed by a local activist and-or an over-helpful driver keen to get the customers the footage they were looking for.
and this;
Some $100 million has been spent on turning thriving farms and businesses into pools of welfare dependency. At least 320 jobs, including many jobs for Aboriginal stockmen, have been lost, probably permanently.
Joe Ludwig’s closing down of the live meat export trade has to rate as his best “unintended circumstances” debacle yet. Did he think any of it through or do the ALP hate farmers that much that anything that cripples them is good? I can only hope that there is something in this article and that Ludwig, the ALP and the insane animal activists get burnt real bad. Hundreds of millions of dollars lost; cattle properties bankrupted and hundreds of jobs gone forever. Good one ALP

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