Alarmists rally

If you want proof that a price on Carbon is ideologically based then the attendance of The Climate Institute, The Australian Conservation Foundation and Getup at rallies should set you straight. Thirty years ago the same type of people were rallying against a looming Ice Age and before that we were being warned that we would all starve from over-population As many as 8000 in attended the Sydney rally while rallies were being held in most other capital cities as the second stage of the “Say Yes” campaign launched late last week by actors Cate Blanchett and Michael Caton. Meanwhile, the rest of us, almost 30 million, went on with our lives working or relaxing with family.


  • The one thing you can be sure of is that the media focus will be on the “tens of thousands” rallying, rather than the tens of millions who give the idea no credence at all, or at least can see no way that fiscally handicapping the population will make one iota of difference.
    I am waiting for the water vapour tax…..from my reading it would appear that water vapour has a greater warming effect than CO2 which only makes up 0.03% of the atmosphere. Of course the figures vary for the percentage of CO2 in the air….on one page on a website I checked it was 0.03%, 0.0314% and 0.038%. Science is amazing for its accuracy, but all this was on a single page.

  • Call it a cloud or even a storm tax Bob and it might get across the line, its more honest than calling a CO2 tax a carbon tax.

  • Kev

    That post belongs to same genre as –

    Millions of homes in Australia didn’t burn down last night


    Thousands of aircraft landed safely yesterday


    No refugee boats were sighted off Ashmore reef last week

    I doubt that it has much of a future.

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