Power is going to cost more – Gee!

POLITICAL concerns about blackouts in NSW and Queensland, as well as problems with the regulation of Australia’s electricity markets, have allowed power companies to price gouge and condemned Australians to some of highest price rises in the developed world.
Julia Gillard’s climate change adviser Ross Garnaut has put the cost of a carbon tax on electricity prices at $4 to $5 a week for the average household and has called for an urgent inquiry into what he believes is a “prima facie” case of excessive increases caused by electricity regulation in Australia
No one can say at this stage with any guarantee, just how much it will cost us, but be very sure that whatever price they put on it now will have no semblance to the final figure. Gillard will lose control and the Power companies will gouge more and more. Keep in mind that when power goes up everything goes up so $4 to $5 is only the start. My power bill has already increased by nearly $14 in the short few years of Anna Bligh’s reign so I’m a little skeptical about Garnaut’s SWAG (Scientific, Wild Arsed Guess)

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