Good news Monday

Just as the ALP have turned underestimating Tony Abbott into an art form they will now claim that the NSW ALP genocide has no federal implications. It has. Exactly how much is unquantifiable but it’s there. JULIA Gillard has declared NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell a reasonable and moderate man with whom she can do business.
The Prime Minister said the NSW Coalition leader, who was swept into power by a massive swing on Saturday, did not share Tony Abbott’s “extremism”.
Can’t see the difference myself . She has to work with O’Farrell and likewise she feels she has to try and differentiate between him and Abbott as part of her “demonize Abbot because we are afraid of him” programme. Good about the Greens, isn’t it? Maybe some members of the Green Church will re-think their allegience after all the media coverage of the Hamas supporting Greens. But still, if they are with the Greens to start with, then they unlikely to be thinking, let alone re-thinking anything.

One comment

  • I could be wrong on this, but I get the feeling that last federal election was the high water mark for the green movement in Australia, having got a balance of power and having a Govt gutless enough to let them use it to take control, the Aust people have seen just how insane and expensive green policies are and have been rejecting them at every opportunity since.
    Both major parties have also had a good lesson in the potential cost of preferencing the greens.

    Both of the above are very good things.

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