Gillard ambushed

For the first ever, and most probably the last, I am on Gillard’s side. The ambush laid down by Tony Jones using Assange as the agent was simply beyond the pale. The fact that a government funded organization would use an anarchist and conspiracy theorist to attack Gillard confirms my opinion that life is too short to waste time watching Q&A. Thinking about it, my point is more that Tony Jones attacked and denigrated the office of Prime Minister rather than Gillard herself. Politicians of all persuasions simply need to boycott Jones. Starve him and his weird list of left wing tossers of any oxygen. It’s the very least he deserves.


  • I agree Kev. Q&A has form from shoe-throwers to David Hicks.

    The ABC has also admitted it approached the condom-tearer Assange rather than the other way around.

  • Journalists of every denomination, reporters, shock jocks are getting out of control. We used to call them commentators now they think that they are creating the news. They are being paid large sums to put their editors spin on what is happening, led by certain media owners. I still go to the letters to the editor section in the newspapers that I read to form an opinion, then I go to the so called news.

  • “Journalists of every denomination, reporters, shock jocks are getting out of control…”

    You’re right Roly. Most are barely literate and have no ability to research.

    Last night I listened to a breathless ‘puppyette’ on channel ten late news tell me that “nuclear explosions have rocked Japan”.

    Perhaps she was using a 1945 edition newspaper as her source, perhaps she and her producer are so ill-informed they don’t know the difference between chemical and nuclear explosions or perhaps they are deliberately using such dishonest language to support an anti-nuclear agenda or just ‘boost’ the story to keep ratings up.

    Who knows, but inaccurate and irresponsible they are, just like Riley and Jones with their ambushes and deceptions.

  • I thought that episode sucked too. It’s not the job of the media to ambush politicians – or any of us for that matter.

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