The Wikileaks cult

With the great Australian/US/Western civilization hater John Pilger supporting Julian Assange and his Wikileaks it is clear that the whole circus is about denigrating the status quo of civilization as we know it. The Left are even suggesting that the public should know all about every diplomatic comment, thought or transmitted cable which of course is ludicrous. Doesn’t work that way…never will. We currently have the crazy situation where the world’s media are involved in serious discussion about the rights or wrongs of the agenda of an anti-western hippie. There is no discussion. He is wrong to release all that information on the internet and Manning, his stated source, is clearly guilty, on his own admission, of providing Assange with classified information in contradiction of all the rules that apply to military personnel. In previous days the crime of treason covered this type of activity but since the ascension of the anti-western human rights legal activists things are less clear. If that is the case then we need legislation to cover these types of anti-establishment crimes and we need it soon. We need to get back to the real problem Australia has at the moment….the abysmal record of Julia Gillard and her government and what we can do about it.

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