Gillard caught out lying

I don’t believe for one moment that Gillard wasn’t aware of Abbotts impending visit to Afghanistan when she allowed the press to build up steam on Abbott not wanting to go to Afghanistan with her. TONY Abbott says he told Julia Gillard at a meeting on September 22 that he had booked a visit to the Australian troops in Afghanistan.
In what he has called an “act of low bastardry”, he says she failed to reveal this information as a corrosive argument ran unchecked as to which political party was more supportive of the troops.
Very poor show PM – there is simply no defence for what you have done.


  • “Gillard caught out lying” sorry Kev, but that is just redundant – it will become a story when the bogan queen starts telling the truth.

  • Yep, I agree with that. Everything that spews from her mouth is a lie.

  • Both Abbott and Gillard are playing politics with the “bipartisan” policy on Afghanistan. They both travelled there for the photo ops. If either or both were fair dinkum they’d travel together without media, and keep out of the diggers’ hair. I’m sure the Oz task force have better things to do than provide security for visiting pollies.
    Gillard looked uncomfortable, and Abbott reminded me of visiting CMF personnel back in 1970 who visited us for the yippee shoots and the medals.
    They turn serving soldiers into political collateral to be traded by the media.

    • Rather over the top comment about the CMF gentlemen 1735099. I happen to know one of the CMF gentleman who went out on patrols with your Battalion. He spent some time in the boonies doing the same “work” as the rest of you. Didn’t qualify for the star but under the guidelines qualified just like you for the other medals he wears proudly. He was a volunteer too, not a conscript like you. You do have a high opinion of yourself and an undeserved way of looking down on others. No one went to the funny country for the medals and yippee shoots. Would you like to comment on the 4 personnel working their butts off behind the scene to keep you in the field or the entertainers etc.?

  • “…and Abbott reminded me of visiting CMF personnel back in 1970 who visited us for the yippee shoots and the medals….”

    Yawn… 17 bobby whatever prostitutes his service in the Australian Army yet again to make as cheap a shot as Gillard did when she betrayed her personal conversation with Abbott in which he told her he planned to visit Afghanistan after his visit to the British Conservative party convention.

    Gillard, or her ‘deniable’ agents leaked to the media her cynical offer to Abbott in which she suggested he abandon his planned day long (or longer) visit to Afghanistan in favour of the opportunity to accompany her during her half hour chat with a general or two.

    Gillard cynically wanted Abbott’s visit to Afghanistan to be portrayed by the media as him just traipsing along like a puppy on a leash after her.

    When he declined her offer knowing as he did the commander of Australian forces in Afghanistan had already cancelled his leave to be on hand during his visit, Gillard sought to infer Abbott didn’t hold Australian defence personal in sufficient regard to visit them in country.

    The Labor machine trotted out the relatives of soldiers killed in action and fed them their lies in order to cause them to react in the way they did believing Abbott couldn’t be bothered to visit Afghanistan because he didn’t want to be too jet lagged in London.

    This is the most despicable act by a political party I have ever seen.

    It now appears that Abbott wanted to spend a day or two ‘under canvas’ – it may not have been an appropriate request because of the tempo of current operations, but I applaud his nerve – not many of our so-called leaders would be prepared to sleep ‘rough’ let alone on stony ground next to a Bushmaster under Afghanistan’s stars with the sound of rockets and MG fire punctuating the night.

    Gillard’s latest filthy act shows again that not only is she a bald faced liar, but that she is a shameless user of our men and women at war for her own nasty party political ends.

    She is scum.

  • “prostitutes his service”
    And which old whore are you courting?
    “Gillard cynically wanted Abbott’s visit to Afghanistan to be portrayed by the media as him just traipsing along like a puppy on a leash after her”
    So now it’s a conspiracy between Gillard and the media?
    Give me a break!

  • “He was a volunteer too, not a conscript like you.”
    And I’m over you smearing the service of conscripts because I disagree with you.
    You’re singing from the same songbook as those who spat on us on RTA.
    Obviously there are some who’ve learnt nothing from history.

    • I was talking up the CMF member not smearing conscripts. By the way you are the one continually whinging about being conscripted or continually referring to your prior service whilst trying to make some point or another.
      Given the choices at that time, I made the point that you had to be forced into service whereas the CMF member was a volunteer.
      You attempt to besmirch the reservists as less worthy than you. Take a look around, fool, the reservists currently make up a noticeable number of our service personnel currently serving overseas.

  • “So now it’s a conspiracy between Gillard and the media?”

    17 bobby red-herring many readers here know you are suffering from ‘connectivity issues’ because of your inability to get simple technology to work and as result continue to live in the early 1970s.

    Several even make allowances for your ignorance of history as you appear to be the only person in Australia to have been conscripted, but that you are so willfully unaware of the effort Gillard’s people apply in order to spin stories to their pet media princesses causes even the most empathetic readers of this blog to turn away in pity.

    Oh, nearly forgot; the “old whore” would be you 17 bobby red-herring – an ideological whore from the 70s without the wit or means to see how disconnected you are from the 21st century.

  • Now that you’ve got the regulation abuse out of your system, how about addressing the substance of my original post, which is (in case it went over your head) that both major parties are guilty of spinning this issue for all it’s worth?
    You might also explain why my recollections of the behaviour of reserve personnel in Vietnam is out of order, but it’s OK for the service of every digger in Afghanistan now to become the currency of political wedging (again by both parties).
    Perhaps you could also rationalise why Abbott has tried another wedge on the issue of the charging of the Commandos, when it was a government of which he was a minister that set up the military justice mechanism that led to the current situation.
    It’s also worth remembering that the same government set up such a dog’s breakfast of a system that it was deemed unconstitutional by the High Court on its first challenge.

  • Regulation abuse? I thought it was constructive criticism I was offering here.
    Polies making headlines out of appearing in safe areas of war zones is nothing new Bobby….even in your hayday Liberal turned lefty Fraser was seen and photographed with diggers of Seven (refer images in Porky site). Nothing new at all and it will not cease since war zones have become real time TV and the advertising serves politics on both sides of the spectrum.
    Your recollections on CMF front line visits are based on what, rumour and innuendo circulated amongst the troops?
    On this occasion my angst is directed at your obvious disrespect for other service personnel who served with you in Vietnam….Most Vets I know accept that anyone that served in country deserves a level of respect that on return from SVN was not always apparent, you know…regs, nashos, CMF, Navy, Airforce,and non military personnel.
    Your remark displays your line of thought on the matter. That ten percent of your life left a very bitter taste in your mouth and you are unable to make reference to todays issues without referring to the most indelible 10% of your past. SAD.

  • “Most Vets I know accept that anyone that served in country deserves a level of respect that on return from SVN was not always apparent”
    Precisely – but there are some who post here who are unable to respect anyone who has an opinion different from their own.
    And you still haven’t addressed my original point, nor have you anything to say about Abbott’s obvious disrespect of serving soldiers by using them as political currency.
    I can tolerate most things but make an exception of hypocrisy.

    • 17etc. The ALP raised the issue to make him look like he didn’t respect our diggers not the other way around. It was deliberate and very obvious. They continually attack the man because he scares them.

    • 0135799, Respect has to be earned, it is not a birth given right, or something that higher education entitles you to.
      Short on memory too Bobby….your first salvo was not fired at Abbott alone but at Gillard also, with a comparison of Abbott with a CMF reference indicating that not only do you make an exception to hypocrisy in your tolerance of most things, but said CMF members as well.
      I did indicate in my last reply that both sides of the political spectrum use the war zones to their own ends, but Gillard shows less respect for those serving,(my opinion). You would be a fool to believe that the release of information on Abbott was not done in an effort to get the yapping dogs in the media to fire it up to make a story out of it. The media do not let the truth get in the way of a supposedly good story and all Gillard did was skirt around suppositions put to her. In that way she can still claim the story did not come from her. In a court you are required to give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Polies have never applied that in real life. No conspiracy with the media here, but she’s been around long enough to know how to play the media and it worked in the short term.

  • Kev
    Your premise “Gillard caught out lying” is not supported by the facts. Read the report in the OZ (remembering, by the way, how ‘even-handed’ it is) –
    “Mr Abbott replied at the time that he had decided not to take up the offer for fear that had he done so he would have arrived jet-lagged for his trip to Britain. He said yesterday that due to the strict secrecy imposed on all politicians’ trips to war zones, he had been prevented from discussing his visit for security reasons and came up with his “jet-lag” excuse because he had been lost for words.”
    The whole episode originated in Abbott’s lame comment about jet-lag. The media was on to it like a rat up a drainpipe, coming from the marathon man – as they would have been if (for example) Abbott had asked Gillard to accompany him as a sign of bipartisanship and she had refused on the same grounds. At no point did Gillard tell any lies. All Abbott had to say was that he had made other arrangements. In no way would this have breached security.
    Gillard could be criticised for not hosing it down, but even then her remarks about Abbott’s sleeping patterns were hardly going for the jugular.
    “a corrosive argument ran unchecked as to which political party was more supportive of the troops”
    There would have been no corrosive argument had he accepted the invitation.
    As for “respect for the troops” – the meme promoted here – what better way to shown genuine bipartisanship than to turn up together?

    • The whole episode originated in Abbott’s lame comment about jet-lag.

      That simply initiated the media beat-up. The episode was initiated and managed by the ALP, Gillard included. She invited him to go with her to show “bipartisan support’ already knowing three facts. One – he had already made plans to go at a different time and couldn’t change them and two – that the media would grab it and when Abbott refused the invite he would look like he didn’t care about the troops. The third ‘known’ was the fact that any Opposition leader would be mad to accept an invitation to play second fiddle – you just don’t set yourself up for it.

      It worked a treat……for a week – but as soon as the facts became apparent the public could see it was ALP stage managed. The latest polls putting Abbott down were taken just after he had refused but before the facts were known. Let’s see what happens next.

      You are right though – she didn’t really lie but a leader “Gillard and ALP caught out manipulating press to create a wrong impression about Abbott’s lack of compassion for troops ” was just too clunky.

  • Boys, settle down.

    What is it about us veterans that has us at each other’s throats?

    Why denigrate others who have differing opinions?

    And one more thing, if you old blokes had fought the war properly, young good lookin’ blokes like me wouldn’t have had to go.

  • A politician not being totally honest, what a surprise! I can recall one saying something about being loose with the truth. They should both go. The PM visited them on her first trip overseas. At best the OL made a very poor choice of words. What will be interesting will be the debate in parliament this week.

  • Obviously been a while for you then Bob….the sex thing you mentioned…LOL..
    I was conscripted but in my case I volunteered to go over with 7 2nd tour, Grey tried to have me transferred out but I insisted on going, there were several other people in the same boat…I don’t know 1735099 but I for one believe that he has earned respect above that of some CMF waller who swanned in for a couple of weeks….you happen to know one of the CMF wallers that visited 7…so that makes you a bloody expert does it….you sound like one of those regs that couldn’t get a job anywhere else, so you volunteered….obviously the army didn’t knock the chip off your shoulder….

    • Nice try Roly Poly… congratulations on upsetting the C.O. You really should have sharpened that machete.
      My condolences on having similar opinions (on what you perceive as lesser service personnel)to 173……
      You shouldn’t lump all personnel from groups you have no respect for into the one basket….sometimes you should think outside the square. Sometimes it could be beneficial not to pass disparaging remarks (ie show some tact). Some of those persons may actually read this blog. Some of those personnel could be working as Vets advocates, case officers at DVA, or even be psycologists specialising in PTSD. You never know where you might bump into them, it’s a small world as you very well know.

  • 1735099,

    I’m puzzled – you keep knocking The Australian for being right wing but keep quoting it to support your counter position.

  • HRT
    By it’s own editorial admission, The Australian leans to the right. That’s not in dispute.
    One of the reasons I buy it is that it’s rich in opinionated content. Within that content is buried plenty of hidden truth.
    Unlike others on this blog who lean to the right, it has a robust enough grip on reality to tolerate more than one opinion. Hardly puzzling, I would have thought.

  • Au contraire wee Bobby, I know several reservists from Dubbo, had drinks with many of them and hoped that the advice that I lay on them will bring them back in one piece, they joined the regular army to go and do their bit…I will get in touch with them when they return and help them as I did a few others to gain their just rewards from a Govt. that after all these years and all their experience still don’t know what PTSD is about…I did a few years helping WW2 diggers and War widows filling out forms so that they might have it a little easier in their later life picking up a few extra measly $$$$ so I have a little knowledge of the system….as for running into case officers from DVA, I had the pleasure of running into one during a TIP course in Bathurst, he had threatened to decrease the pension that I was recieving at the time….He left me with a completely different point of view I can tell you…don’t ever think that they are there to offer you favours, they are there because we were there….so don’t lump me with any group that you think that I may or may not belong to wee Bobby, I tried my best for the people that I served with no matter what Grey thought… for the machete business, I think I would have got drinks for the rest of my life if I had used it at that time….Drinks on me when we meet….

    • Pleasure to meet you Roly, with sincerity. If we meet…..shout for shout just like the old days..remember the Railway, Holsworthy boozer, and the few days in between ops while on tour.

  • Got to have a couple of ops soon, might keep me off the grog for a while but a soon as able I will be back on it Bob…….cheers….

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