Compulsory Union Fees back on

The ALP/Greens government is winding back the clock on compulsory Union Fees bringing them back in to give them another stream of activism.
THE Government will introduce legislation today to restore compulsory student amenities fees at Australian universities. Minister for Tertiary Education Minister, Senator Chris Evans, appealed today to the new parliament to support the bill, saying he wanted it to be passed by Christmas to ensure it will take effect next year.
Just a point – they are not Amenity Fees, they are Union Fees. In Jul 2005 when Howard was working on getting rid of the compulsory union fees I wrote on the subject;
It’s all about power, folks – the power to control millions of dollars of student funds. My children have a total of five degrees from UQ and I’m well aware of Student Union fees. No fees…no results…no degree…help Dad…mumble…bitch…moan. And then one child borrowed the Union car to drive home…a Suburu Forester…better than mine at the time but then I wasn’t enjoying the largesse associated with controlling funds unfairly extracted from 40, 000 odd students struggling to get through Uni.
This will test the Independents.

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