Brennan stands up for Rudd

Jesuit Frank Brennan suggests Rudd has suffered enough. I find this statement interesting;
He is usually right to presume that he is the most intelligent person in the room. But as prime minister he probably failed at times to appreciate there were a couple of others in the room who had thought about the issue at hand more deeply than he had.
Being the most intelligent person in the room and believing it would have come over in his dealings with subordinates. I would rather he presumed he was the best leader in the room and it was true. Unfortunately, it was seldom the case. It appears Rudd is now busy white anting Gillard if you think through what must be the source of the question raised by Laurie Oaks at the Press Club yesterday. If there was an ascension deal agreed to by Rudd and Gillard and the only other person present, John Faulkner, is known for being tight lipped, then it is reasonable to assume Rudd is leaking to Oaks. He does have a track record doing this when Latham, the previous looney ALP leader was having trouble with Rudd he wrote;
“I’ve had a suspicion for some time now that Rudd has been feeding material to Oakes,” Latham wrote. “Decided to set him up, telling Kevvie about our focus groups on Iraq.”
No focus groups had been held. All the then-Labor national secretary, Tim Gartrell, had done was quantitative polling. Yet Labor focus group research was cited in Oakes’s column on April 14, 2004.
“Today, right on cue, Jabba has written in the Bulletin: ‘The Labor Party’s polling firm has been busily running focus groups to test the public mood following Latham’s troops-out announcement.”
“Trapped him,” Latham wrote. I note Rudd is in the US acting like the Aussie PM talking to the UN, Clinton and Obama advisors. Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall. This is all good stuff. With Hawke, Keating and Rudd all getting media coverage of their egos it certainly isn’t helping Gillard. And that has to be good for the country.


  • Since the Viking invasions of Britain any person with red hair has had the same personification as the boogey man….ie:- don’t do that or the boogey man will get you….redheads have been looked on with disdain in England for centuries…..especially those from Wales….now a direct descendant has migrated to our shores and stabbed a true blue in the back….deportation is a likely option….

    • Maybe my tele is set up different to everyone else’s. Jewlya’s hair has a difinitive grey stripe along her part which to me indicates that she is an old grey like the the rest of us and pretends to be a red. Much the same method adopted by her recently at the beauty shop…..paint over it.

      • I noticed that as did my house sheila. She wondered if her hairdressing, football and special event loving roomy was really up to the task of ‘first boyfriend’.

  • We had to put up with Rudd and his cr*p for a few years – now he can spend a few years putting up with ours.

    Suck it up Kevin – you big girl.

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