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Gusmao advises Julia Gillard to firm up boatpeople plan before she calls.
He said he had “open mind” on the proposal, but warned that he would need to see the detail of Ms Gillard’s proposal. Even then, he said at a press conference in Dili, the plan would require extensive investigation by his government and lengthy debate in the parliament before the measure could proceed.
That should take it through to the Australian elections which is most probably all she wants anyway. It’s just another thought bubble type plan as in – We need a plan to get all of Burnsides “rednecks” back on side….let’s see…I know, I’ll phone NZ and Timor this arvo and announce the Great New Plan on boat people tomorrow night. There, another of Rudd’s problems fixed. UPDATE: Just in from
JULIA Gillard appears to be backing away from plans for a regional refugee processing centre in Timor, telling 4BC she never committed to a location.
The plot thickens. Should make The Australian an interesting read tomorrow. UPDATE II The ABC’s tag line is Gillard keeping asylum options open. How can they say that after Tony Jones elicited from her last night that there wasn’t a Plan B other than to ring around some more.


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