Same difference but with a tinge of red

The shouting and the tumult dies and what are we left with? One of the Gang of Four, the Lemon, has left, one is going and two remain. Of the two who remain both were implicit in all the decisions made by the ALP over the past two plus years. Are Gillard and Swan going to try and distance themselves from the failed ETS, deadly Fruit bats in the ceilings, BER waste and the politics of envy mining tax thought up for no apparent reason other than to fix the huge deficit they have created? How can they? Gillard says the Government had lost its way but she should have added while I was in the chair. The Lemon was certainly a part of why they lost their way but Gillard and Swan are another part of it so what is the difference? And just how did they specifically lose their way? Was it the ETS that she demanded be dumped, Was it her BER that is costing the country billions more than it should; was it the open door boat people policy that has made a joke of our borders or was it Swan’s RSPT tax against the rich that did it? All of these factors contributed to their votes hemorrhaging and she and Swan had a hand in all of these policies. She is prettier, a woman and apparently more inclusive in dealing with others but thats not any reason to vote for her or her party. How is she going to get any credibility back over the ETS backflip? She has said we need more consultation and would look at it after the election. Why the hell then, are the Green preferences flowing back to the ALP. Are they that stupid that they are prepared to believe she will do something after she was one of the Gang of Four who dumped it? Gillard’s background gets very little attention form the media but I have a longer memory. She was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early ’90s.
Founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the ALP, the Socialist Forum also wanted to sever Australia’s alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.
Her cohorts at the Socialist Forum were a mob of old communists and left wing activists enthusiastically dancing to the old USSR’s tune and getting together with the express aim of getting into the ALP. Gilllard remained a member until 2002 when the Socialist Forum morphed into the Fabian Society. The Honourable Gough Whitlam AC QC is their patron. Our media are all over being “THE FIRST FEMALE PM” but others look a bit further. A kiwi blog is right onto her background Leopards do not readily change their spot nor do old socialists. Jim Cairns, one of Gillards heroes who was a high-ranking member of a communist front organisation and a long-standing Soviet agent of influence would be very pleased.

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