Good luck Julia

ALP rusted on supporters love to call Tony Abbott the Mad Monk and I’m happy with that. While they are busy underestimating him he has been quietly tearing the ALP apart. Look! Tony Abbott tells lies (he didn’t)…look! he thinks Global Warming is ‘crap'(some bits are, some aren’t)……look! women hate him (maybe, maybe not)…..look! No one would ever have the Mad Monk as PM (check the polls)….Oops…what happened to the polls…..Oops! Rudd has gone! Yes, Rudd’s demise is somewhat self inflicted but Tony Abbott was the lighting technician and had Rudd’s incompetence well and trully under the spotlight since stopping the ETS in the gate. Now I’m reliably told that Gillard has his measure. We’ll see! Julia does have a few problems that everyone seems to be ignoring while she’s still wearing her honeymoon nightie. I just heard some ALP mouthpiece saying the voters aren’t worried about boat people. Good!, I thought, they still don’t get it and I’ve read that what is really worrying the voters is the population increases recently touted by the press. Good! They definitely don’t get it except Julia does – She changed Tony Burke’s title from Minister for Population to the Minister for Sustainable Population. There – that’ll do it! I’ve just been up country and spent a couple of nights in a country pub and offer this advice to the ALP. Don’t ever, ever go to the Marlborough Pub as the miners and cattlemen have their spurs on, baseball bats with rail spikes in hand and whips cracking. Oh, and another thing – stop the boat people NOW! I read where Julia’s old school is very happy with the BER. Mitcham Primary School headmaster wasn’t in the group of 112 who were told their reports of mismanagement and rorting would not be accepted by the Committee that was established with the express aim of whitewashing Julias BER.
THE $14 million taskforce into the schools stimulus will not take details of 112 new complaints because it cannot assure “anonymity”.
We don’t want “anonymity” we want it on the front page and as the lead story on the 7pm news. One school happy…one school unhappy is not the issue. The issue is billions have been spent and billions more will be spent on schools and we are pretty sure that billions have been ripped off. It’s no use saying State spends the money, not federal and therefore Julia is unmarked. If the federal government give out billions they have the responsibility to ensure the voters get value for money. And they haven’t. Ha ha look at stupid Tony Abbott attacking Julia over BER rorting…….oops! What to do with the ETS. I can see Julia thinking “we don’t really want it as we have run out of money as it is….maybe I can say some words that will get some hippy votes back Thus;
“It is as disappointing to me as it is to millions of Australians that we do not have a price on carbon,” Gillard told reporters. “And in the future we will need one. But first we need to establish a community consensus for action.”
And just after the community consensus for action report is made public then all she has to do is get Tony Abbott and that Green leader whacko to come to the party. Good luck with that one. It’s not all bad news for Julia though as Dennis Glover has written a virtual public marriage proposal with this piece. Good luck Ma’am!


  • Gillard adoration is almost as bad as Kevin elevation and adoration and they’re both almost as bad as Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    People out there need to be aware that attacks on things like hair colour etc aren’t right.

    But she does remind me of Woody Woodpecker, talking through a vuvuzela.

  • Oh, and that a vote for Gillard is a vote for the same tosh that Kevin sold them.

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