• Oh, that’s good, Kev.
    Good find.

  • Looks like he’s ‘gorn’ as they say.

    Poor 17 red herring, his hero beaten up by his own insecurity – sending one of his boy wonders out to spy on his deputy has blown up in his face.

    However, Joolya hasn’t a hope at the next election, it’ll be the 1975 rout of Labor all over again.

    • PeterW
      So touching that you care what I think – but Rudd is too far to the right ever to be my hero. With Tanner going it looks as if the Greens have a show of electing their first MHR.
      It took Australian Labor to appoint a female PM – Julie Bishop (of the mad eyes) is destined to remain the token female in the boys club called the coalition until she needs a rocking chair. She must be dizzy trying to keep up with the revolving door of leadership changes.
      As for the “sins” of Labor – it takes a Conservative government to kill its own citizens (Domhnach na Fola – 30 January 1972). Heath and his bunch of thugs covered it up – he should have resigned in shame.
      It took the Saville Inquiry 38 years to get to the truth –
      Power and privilege and the divine right to rule is ensconced deep in the psyche of conservative politics, and truth and rationality have never been right wing values.

      • A typically ill-informed rant from 17 bobby red-herring – “mad eyes” eh? How the left love to hate and denigrate women not of their faith.

        17 bobby red-herring writes pompously that he’s on the left of Labor and proud of it, he’s proud of his support for Fenian scum too. “…to kill its own citizens…” they didn’t want to be citizens, they took to the streets in a volatile environment and some were shot. Though what the irrelevant Saville inquiry has to do with burnt houses, dead batt installers and billions of dollars wasted on school halls is unclear.

        But wait a minute, it’s a post by 17 bobby red-herring – all is clear now. The Saville enquiry has nothing to do with the subject being discussed, it’s just another of 17 bobby red-herrings little diversions to try and change the subject as it’s all too uncomfortable for his conscription damaged psyche.

        No matter, the bottle-ranga, tool of the NSW right and puppet of the backroom boys is lurching gloriously even further to the right of Rudd and taking 5% of the Greens’ pitiable vote with her.

        I like her list of policy changes. No carbon dioxide tax (excellent), dropping the ill-conceived tax on mining (good call) and emulating another infamous red-head by introducing firmer measures to “turn back the boats” (nice jab in the eye for the left).

        Not a bad start, pity for Labor she’s got the NBN disaster, school halls debacle, massive new debt mill-stone, pink-batt headstone combined with people smugglers’ boats arriving more frequently than a number 8 tram and Wayne Swan as deputy to remind voters how dismally her party has performed (whilst killing four of its own citizens in ceilings).

        17 bobby red-herring is as ignorant of modern Australian political history as he is of every other subject about which he blurts out his venalities. He ignorantly claims “it looks as if the Greens have a show of electing their first MHR ‘ – well sorry 17 bobby red-herring, it, like women PMs (remember Maggie – elected by a conservative party if my memory serves me well) has been done before. The 2002 Cunningham by-election produced the first Greens MHR – the interloper Michael Organ. He occupied the green leather benches for two years before he was turfed out. He left like all Greens without contributing one iota to the nation except his opposition to everything.

        The left demonstrates yet again it stands for nothing but deceit, failure, hatred and violence. Its latest public performance in Toronto puts on display yet again the envy driven violence that characterises its base psychology. The left are like sand in the gears of civilisation – devoid of logic and filled with all consuming hatred of our modern world.

      • “they didn’t want to be citizens, they took to the streets in a volatile environment and some were shot.”
        This is a pretty clear illustration of my point about power and privilege. Obviously, if they rejected British rule, that’s all they were good for – to be shot in the street like rabid dogs.

        Mind you, 200 years ago, those considered beyond the pale were deported to Australia, and a proud nation emerged. Now all we need to do is get rid of the last trappings of perfidious Albion (the corrupt monarchy).
        Never let history get in the way of a good rant.

        By the way, have a look at the WA polls this morning.

        • “This is a pretty clear illustration of my point about power and privilege.”

          No it’s not, it’s just a negation of one of your incessant red-herrings.

          It was an insignificant event in an insignificant place – it has no relevance to politics in Australia.

          Back to Australia – what was that about the first green MHR – oh that’s right 17 bobby red-herring you were wrong yet again – you seem to have dropped that one in favour of polls in WA – another red-herring – by the way I’m in Perth this week and Labor is on the nose big time.

          The miners have given the bottle ranga a week to drop the tax before they start their campaign again. What’s the old saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln?

          “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”

          The high mortgage, high income, high standard of living west isn’t going to be taken in by the ranga’s twisting and turning.

          They are petrified about the mining tax grab and will reject Labor in their droves.

        • “I’m in Perth this week” – Perth, home of the get-rich-quick merchants who will gouge the guts out of the country and sell it off piece by piece – with more two-bob Poms per square mile than anywhere else in the country..
          I’m in Barcaldine – home of the Labor Party, and the proud tradition of fighting for those who built this country.
          This is the real heart of Australia.

  • Well, its time to retire the Kevin 0’Lemon advert and see if the electorate go for the novelty of a proven incompetent, who is now the first female PM of Aust, or if they turf the lot and get the grown ups back to clean up the mess.

  • Goodbye KRudd and hello GILLARD.

  • Now that Kev is gone, we can ask this – who was the lemon ad aimed at? Voters, who had buyer’s remorse; or Labor MPs, who had buyer’s remorse?

  • “I’m in Barcaldine – home of the Labor Party, and the proud tradition of fighting for those who built this country.”

    Pitiful post 17 bobby red-herring.

    The Labor Party; home to Kemlahni, admirers of Pol Pot, purveyors of pink batts and over priced school halls, creators of soccer slush funds, members of the NSW government (and that’s enough to disgrace anyone), worshippers of Gough Witless (now officially the second worst PM after Rudd), abusers of RAAF flight staff, losers of hair dryers and sundry other back stabbing, greedy, immoral union thugs and stand-over merchants.

    Your welcome to Labor 17 bobby red-herring. Sadly though for the upright and conservative residents of Barcaldine its affiliation with Labor makes it the anus of the country rather than its heart.

    Oh and to continue to bring a glimmer of accuracy to your abysmal knowledge of modern Australian history it’s not “two-bob Poms”, it’s ‘ten-pound poms’.

    Enjoy wallowing in the anus 17 bobby red-herring because you’re sinking without trace here.

  • “Two-bob Poms” become two-bob millionaires. Many live on the left side of this country. (WA). I’m surprised you’ve not heard the term. You must lead a sheltered life.
    ” Ten pound Poms” are people like Gillard’s dad, although being Welsh, he’d probably job you if you called him a Pom.

  • “… are people like Gillard’s dad…” Your bottle ranga is a ‘ten pound pom’ too – just like me.

    The ‘two bob pom’ is your invention 17 bobby red-herring.

    No one else uses it.

    Your slur shines a bright revealing light on the politics of envy and hatred the left celebrates for those who strive to better themselves through honest hard work.

    How enthusiastically you criticise migrants who have got off their arses and made something of themselves and the great state of Western Australia.

    Why the hatred 17 bobby red-herring? Poms not brown enough for you? Weren’t the boats they came on leaky enough?

  • “Poms not brown enough for you?”
    Like most Australians, I was brought up to judge a man by the quality of his character, not the colour of his skin.
    I’ve met quite a few Poms (many of them ex-British army NCOs when I was in uniform) with the same kind of bigoted views exposed by this statement . They might go down well in the slums of Birmingham, but they’re not acceptable in this country.

    • I don’t know 1735099, but it seems to me you have an inherent hatred of the British. Does that make you a racist? You used the term that you are discussing with PeterW and I would think it a derogatory remark if I were of English heritage. Can you give me a description of Melbourne, rumoured to be the second largest Greek city in the world? This should be interesting.

  • Melbourne – best avoided. Judging by the number of Mexicans up here at the moment (Atherton Tableland) they agree with me.
    It has nothing to do with being Greek. Who would want to live in a place where it’s either freezing or stinking hot, everyone wears black, and they are forced to listen to Andrew Bolt on radio.

    • Not as interesting as I thought you would make it, but I take note that you didn’t target the racist inference. May I assume that you accept the comment without prejudice?

      • “For tis the sport to have the enginer (17 bobby red-herring) Hoist with his owne petar”.

        William Shakespeare

  • PeterW
    “for all his dirty hide, he was white, white, white inside”
    “lesser breeds outside the law”
    From verse by Rudyard Kipling, (Englishman)
    “poet of Empire and the darling of the ruling establishment in London at the beginning of this century. Kipling’s writings reveal at its worst the mentality of those in England and Ireland who supported imperialism”
    (Irish Times Archive – 1st Jan 1999).
    This was the mentality that forced my forebears from their native Ireland in 1865. Unfortunately there are a few English (not British) immigrants that brought these outmoded attitudes with them. You need to remember that a significant theme in Australian history is the disdain of imperialistic authoritarianism typified by Kipling and his ilk.

    This attitude is the petard that you hoisted youself upon with your comment about “not brown enough for you”.

  • “This attitude is the petard that you hoisted yourself upon with your comment about “not brown enough for you”.

    No 17 bobby red-herring it’s your Fenian inspired hatred of the British which reveals you as just another cringing xenophobe from the left.

    As you aren’t capable of understanding the reference to “not brown enough” I’ll try to help you out.

    You facetiously claim “I was brought up to judge a man by the quality of his character, not the colour of his skin” but in the same breath ridicule an entire ‘race’ of immigrants as “two bob poms”.

    Your obviously feel it’s brave and clever of you to make such ‘racist’ comments as the British are white and mostly Christian – you’d never have the ‘courage’ to defame brown skinned Islamic immigrants as ‘two bob wogs’.

    You also appear to feel it’s OK to ‘hate’ Victorians too, judging by your derogatory use of the word “Mexicans” to describe them.

    That you use ‘Mexicans’ in such a way confirms you are a racist to the core.

    Typically you choose an obscure reference to Kipling to justify an ignorant and shallow attack on a poet from another age.

    That a negative review would appear in ‘The Irish Times’ is unsurprising though because Kipling’s strongly held views opposing ‘home rule’ in Ireland earned him the hatred of the Fenians.

    That you misunderstand the meaning of the poem you mis-quote is not surprising, he was after all British so in your eyes could do nothing well.

    However, if we examine the quoted text in context we find it has quite a different meaning.

    ‘E would skip with our attack,
    An’ watch us till the bugles made “Retire.”
    An’ for all ‘is dirty ‘ide,
    ‘E was white, clear white, inside
    When ‘e went to tend the wounded under fire!

    Din! Din! Din!
    You Lazarushian-leather Gunga Din!
    Tho’ I’ve belted you an’ flayed you,
    By the livin’ Gawd that made you,
    You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

    Kipling uses the word ‘white’ not as a reference to a person’s colour, but rather their behaviour – it is a reference to ‘civilisation’ and character in much the same way early westerns used white and black hats to denote the good and bad guys.

    Your error is a common one amongst the squirming left as it seeks to find fault in every word and action of our forebears, yet it is plain Kipling sees the actions of Gunga Din (as he tended the wounded under fire) as an act of a ‘civilised man’, in other words the content of his character made him better than the British who mistreated him.

    It was Kipling’s long held and explicitly expressed view that a person’s nationality, ethnicity and religion are meaningless and that only the content of their character counted in the end.

    Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
    Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
    But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
    When two strong men stand face to face,
    tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!

    A similar use of ‘white’ as a reference to civilisation is apparent in Kipling’s ‘The White Man’s Burden’.

    Had he written it in 1999 rather than 1899 he might have chosen the title ‘British Society’s Burden’ or ‘Western Society’s Burden’.

    However as the left hates all things to do with our ‘civilised’ society you would still despise its sentiments.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    Send forth the best ye breed–
    Go bind your sons to exile
    To serve your captives’ need;
    To wait in heavy harness,
    On fluttered folk and wild–
    Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
    Half-devil and half-child.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    In patience to abide,
    To veil the threat of terror
    And check the show of pride;
    By open speech and simple,
    An hundred times made plain
    To seek another’s profit,
    And work another’s gain.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    The savage wars of peace–
    Fill full the mouth of Famine
    And bid the sickness cease;
    And when your goal is nearest
    The end for others sought,
    Watch sloth and heathen Folly
    Bring all your hopes to nought.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    No tawdry rule of kings,
    But toil of serf and sweeper–
    The tale of common things.
    The ports ye shall not enter,
    The roads ye shall not tread,
    Go mark them with your living,
    And mark them with your dead.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    And reap his old reward:
    The blame of those ye better,
    The hate of those ye guard–
    The cry of hosts ye humour
    (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:–
    “Why brought ye us from bondage,
    Our loved Egyptian night?”

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    Ye dare not stoop to less–
    Nor call too loud on Freedom
    To cloak your weariness;
    By all ye cry or whisper,
    By all ye leave or do,
    The silent, sullen peoples
    Shall weigh your gods and you.

    Take up the White Man’s burden–
    Have done with childish days–
    The lightly proffered laurel,
    The easy, ungrudged praise.
    Comes now, to search your manhood
    Through all the thankless years
    Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
    The judgment of your peers!

    Evelyn Waugh wrote about Kipling that he “believed civilization to be something laboriously achieved which was only precariously defended. He wanted to see the defences fully manned and he hated the liberals [left] because he thought them gullible and feeble, believing in the easy perfectibility of man and ready to abandon the work of centuries for sentimental qualms.”

    “Gullible and feeble” – a prescient observation about the left.

    Back to your anus 17 bobby red-herring there is little of the ‘civilised man’ in your character.

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