Gillard doesn’t make a point

Julia says nothing relevant in todays Australian “If you look at the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister — at Kevin (Rudd) and I — education made us,” Ms Gillard said. “We are examples of the social mobility that is possible when you get a good-quality education system. These are the things Tony Abbott’s now determined to destroy.” So I guess what you are saying is that you and Kevin were educated under an already existing good quality education system. What then is your point? Seriously, Julia’s logic escapes me.Tony is not looking to destroy conditions that existed when “Kevin and I” were educated. He is simply looking for ways to pay back the enormous deficit the ALP is going to leave us. No one questions the value of education but some might question the cost. It may have been better to use some of the BER funds to pay teachers better salaries. They impact more on kids and their education than do canteens that cost more than ten times the going rate.
A CATHOLIC school has built a commercial-quality tuckshop and toilet block 10 times bigger than the cubby-house canteens public schools have received for the same price. The Catholic canteen, costing $2500 per square metre, includes a commercial kitchen with stainless-steel benchtops, shelving and a separate coolroom. The public school version, costing $25,000 a square metre, is not even big enough to fit a full-sized fridge, pie oven or meat slicer.
You can ignore the elephant in the room for only so long, Julia. You’d best be practicing your tortured logic on the BER rort as voters will want answers and you’d best hope that businesses that support the ALP haven’t banked the majority of the rip offs. Good luck on that one!


  • I would imagine the contracted builder’s middle name is Mick and he’s not a freemason and he didn’t do the job gratis, just with a comfortable margin.

  • If Julia is so well educated, how did she make such a farking mess of the BER? If anything, she needs lots of help with her Maths.

  • This has to be the biggest waste of tax payers money and just another rip off. I wonder if she could get any education if all the funds were wasted on building matchbox canteens at 10 times the going rate!

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