Rudd unravells

CONCERNS are growing within the federal government that Kevin Rudd is losing control of the political agenda after a series of policy reversals capped off by the dumping of Labor’s key climate change policy. The Prime Minister’s decision to delay the ETS will save billions in the May 11 federal budget, while the NSW government immediately said consumers would no longer face the massive electricity price rises – up to 46 per cent – that had been predicted. NSW Energy Minister John Robertson said energy price increases would be significantly smalled over the next three years in NSW because of the delay of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme. Significantly smalled! If that’s a direct quote then God help the people of NSW. They are being led by a pretty face and at least one illiterate Minister. I wonder if that statement has “significantly bigged” the chances of the NSW Government’s re election. Back to Rudd and his answers to Australia’s problems. Boat People. Open Door (door actually off hinges) brings 100s of boatloads..has had to find the door and put it back on its hinges. Fuel Watch, Virtually still-born. Grocery Watch Too hard Whaling – all talk no real action…threats…misuse of Customs ship – sent hundreds of miles to sea to photograph Japs. Photos already existed but ‘Whale huggers’ were initially placated. Legal threats every two months to keep Greenies quiet and now it looks like Japan will be given licence to hunt whales. Home insulation 1.5bn cost…1.5bn to fix and how many millions went to China for the pink bats? Super Clinics. 260 promised now program halted at 38 – “they cost more than we thought!” says Rudd BER program At this stage looks like a complete rort. ETS The “biggest moral challenge in our time” has morphed to “politically inexpedient” National Broadband. Could be good for business except it is hugely expensive and the domestic household networks are looking more and more to the ever developing wireless networks. I expect the stuck on ALP voters will ignore the unraveling but with the ABC (Four Corners) and one tabloid Channel doing exposes the swinging voters must be starting to jump ship.


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