Don’t wish it Lindsay….

Lindsay Tanner talking about tomorrows Rudd vs Abbot debate at the Press Club
Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner implored yesterday: ”The question for journalists is: are they going to look at the flim-flam and the pyrotechnics, or are they going to actually look at the substance?”
Lindsay, you want to hope the journalists don’t actually look at the substance. In the total lack of anything approaching substance or data concerning Rudd’s health initiative then he could be shown up as full of flim-flam and pyrotechnics.


  • Rudd pyrotechnics?

    Nope. Not happening.

  • Abbott’s doing a lot better at Opposition Leader than I thought he would do.
    He couldn’t possibly win the debate with Rudd who was well prepared.
    But he is landing a few blows. Whether the electorate will dump Rudd is another matter. I don’t think they will. But at least we have some sizzle back into politics

  • I watched it carefully on the ABC and then later saw sections from Nine’s worm version.

    The worm didn’t react negatively to Abbott, it reacted to the depressing tale of Rudd’s failings he told.

    Oddly enough Rudd avoids mentioning his 600 broken promises, smouldering pink batts and rorted school hall debacle.

    He has no successes to report so he just delivers platitudes – nothing of substance, just a soothing list of ‘problems’ he claims he’s going to fix, all delivered with a happy little smile on his face.

    People ‘like’ happy little smiles and empty “I’m gunna fix it” claims, but don’t like the miserable failings of Rudd that Tony Abbott listed.

    Abbott’s message hit home hard and Rudd showed it with his nervous miss-pronunciation of simple words and poor command of facts and figures.

    For example:

    Rudd: “Mr Abbott was health minister for five years.”

    Abbott: “Four.”

    Rudd: “In a government which held office for twelve years.”

    Abbott: “Eleven.”

    Rudd: blush, stammer, nervous twitch, shuffle notes, head down… “Four or five years…um, ah, um, ah, um…”

    The worm did not ‘support’ Rudd, instead it punished his failings un-mercifully every time they were mentioned and revealed how deeply disaffected the two groups of hand picked ‘voters’ in Nine’s and Seven’s studios are with Rudd’s flailing mismanagement.

  • Poor billy red herring is so inculcated by the mendacious ideology of the dissolute left that he believes every statement he reads is generated by a ‘collective’.

    Independent thought, a stranger to billy red herring, does not require ‘an authorised by’ statement.

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