Whales again

For the Japanese, whaling is like fishing, and a traditional part, not necessarily a terribly important part, of their culture. So says Greg Sheridan and have to say I agree. Whales are just big fish and while the annual catch is sustainable then let them eat whale meat. The local indigenous chappies are allowed to hunt dugongs using traditional methods of tinnies with outboards and 7.62 rifles; the Inuit in Alaska are allowed to hunt seals, other nations are allowed to hunt whales but the Australian left wing, whale hugging types want to deny the Japs the right to conduct their traditional hunting forays into the oceans. The Japs are exceedingly pissed off and they should be. Our government is letting the Sea Sheppard pirates do whatever they want but demand the opposite standard from one of our major allies and trading partners. It’s fine that Rudd should garner a few more greenie votes as well as pay back those who elected him to Chief Clerk of the government but surely common sense should prevail. Not one whale saved and we are having a diplomatic tiff with Japan. Good outcome Kev.

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