Shut up Malcolm!

Malcolm Fraser’s kids should be looking for a bed in an old folks home that specializes in dementia cases after his most recent ‘strange quote’
Mr Fraser said the Jewish state could no longer use the Holocaust as an excuse to justify state-sanctioned murder, and criticism of its policies should not be dismissed as anti-Semitism. “That happened 65-66 years ago and it cannot be used any longer to prevent proper discussion of Israel’s policies when those policies are counter-productive to world peace,” he said. “To suggest that those who are critical are anti-Semitic — I reject that utterly.”
How on earth did the holocaust get in this mix. The Israelis are currently engaged in a war against Arab terrorists and, if you believe the conjecture, have recently topped a Hamas terrorist. Not a drop of German blood around Malcom old chap.


  • Most conservatives see Whitlam as our worst prime minister. I’m a conservative and I believe that crown belongs to Fraser.

    He was elected with a record majority to get Australia back on the rails. Instead of doing so, he merely changed the colour of the grease being applied to the socialist wheels from pink to blue. Then, after having failed to do what he was elected to do he cried when shown the door.

    The only bright spot in all this is that Rudd seems determined to wrest the headgear from Fraser.

  • “Most conservatives see Whitlam as our worst prime minister. I’m a conservative and I believe that crown belongs to Fraser.”

    I agree HRT, that said trying to borrow millions from Saddam putting Australia in thrall to a future Hitleresque dictator does put Whitlam ahead by a whisker followed by Billy McMahon, then Fraser.

    If anything Fraser’s role in Gorton’s downfall was his lowest hour followed by his meadering prime ministership and failure to take advantage of his majority in both houses to ban the ALP, Greens and 17 Bobby red-herring.

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