Look over here!

In a “look over here” distraction ploy Rudd releases a new terrorism white paper to take everyone’s mind off Garret.
THE government will unleash the full resources of its major spy agencies, including phone taps and satellite surveillance, against people-smugglers and other criminal gangs threatening Australia’s border security.
If the government hadn’t told the world that people smugglers and their clients are welcome back in Australia in the first place Rudd wouldn’t have to resort to spending more money on a problem that was solved a couple of years ago by the Libs. Even the Age is onto the spin with an article dubbed ‘How embattled PM played ‘jihad‘ card’


  • Actual question from PM’s press conference yesterday (relayed by a journo mate of mine): “Aren’t Australians more at risk from dodgy home insulation than they are from a terror attack?”

  • Of course, the previous government would never have sexed up anything to do with terrorism. Obviously, we all imagined the Haneef affair (when the federal police were overruled by Kevin Andrews to attempt to make political mileage out of fear of terrorism).

    • You think they were making mileage out of fear of terrorism- I think Haneef should have been kicked out based on the fact that members of his family were active terrorists. I don’t recall Howard trying to distract us from massive incompetence and waste of millions at the time and if Rudd’s “look over there, a unicorn” statement wasn’t a detraction then half the media in the country have also got it wrong.

      Stands out like Dogs thingies.

      Now we have to pay out another 40 million to pay for the stuff up.

      I think its pretty well indefensible but then I’m not rusted on ALP.

  • Bloody hell, Kev.

    If the batty batt belfries battle is going to cost us that much on top of the original cost, how much will the NBN cockup cost us?

  • Kev
    “based on the fact that members of his family were active terrorists.”
    This myth was used by Andrews to link Haneef with terrorism. Haneef had two cousins in the UK, Sabeel and Kafeel Ahmed. Kafeel was one of the people involved in the botched suicide bombing in Glasgow. Sabeel had no involvement at all, as was shown in a sentencing hearing in the UK on 11th April 2008.
    At this hearing, English judge Justice Calvert-Smith showed that Sabeel Ahmed was not, as the AFP had alleged, part of a terrorist organisation and that there was “no sign” that Ahmed was “an extremist or party to extremist views.”
    This was known to both the AFP and Minister Andrews very early in the investigation, but they continued to hold Haneef in custody.
    See – http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/business/oz-police-ignored-evidence-on-haneefs-innocence_10037816.html
    Sure, Rudd embroided the report, but the Libs never let the facts get in the way of a good terrorist scare. There’s a difference between rust and petrification.

    • Yep, I’ve read the accounts of the case as well and my original statement stands ” that members of his family were active terrorists” Maybe they weren’t paid up members of Al Quaida but someone in his family tried to murder Brit infidels.

  • Kev
    One of uncles (before he died in 1995) was an IRA operative in Londonderry. Does that make me a terrorist?

    • No and the fact that members of Haneef’s family were terrorists doesn’t make him one but in a troubled world, where Immigration officials have a duty of minimizing risks, then it is enough to deny him a visa.

  • “One of uncles (before he died in 1995) was an IRA operative in Londonderry. Does that make me a terrorist?”


    My first cousin on my father’s side was a Marine and killed by the IRA at the Royal Marine School of Music in 1989 – he played brass and obviously deserved to be blown into a pink mist.

    Your uncle, like many of the scum in the IRA, probably gloated at his death – let’s meet.

    I have a message for you.

  • Peter W
    Watching your pregnant mother being kicked in the stomach by a squad of Black and Tans probably leaves a lasting impression.
    Pat died a bitter old man, and I would never condone anything he or his colleagues did in the name of the Irish republic. I remember my father (Pat married my dad’s older sister) telling him that at a family wedding once. They never spoke again.
    There were atrocities on all sides. Remember 30 January 1972?
    You can say “But what about …..?” until the cows come home, but hate begets hate. You either forgive, or it eats you from the inside. With the exception of some random diehards, the Irish seem to have accepted this.
    Have you?

  • “Have you?”

    No, you spawn of Fenian scum.

    “Watching your pregnant mother…”


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