One comment

  • more a partial list of failures, but interesting nonetheless –

    2020 Summit, $2 m = 9 useable ideas.
    Save the whales (using the navy to confront Japanese)
    Fight Inflation Genie
    Taxes up (Gas, Diesel, Transport, Alcopops) – inflationary
    Fuelwatch – cost $21 million – stunt – failed.
    Grocery Watch, err, Choice – June, 2009 abandoned its $13 million election promise to force grocery prices down.
    Arresting Iranian leaders
    Education Revolution – computers for all
    National Broadband Network (from $4b, to $7b to $43 billion
    Cash Splash 1 – borrowed
    Cash Splash 2 – also borrowed = $42 billion
    Work Choices / Fair work – Will cost jobs
    Awards Backflips – special dispensation for Tourism/Food industry.
    Immigration/Refugees/Asylum Seekers = Open door – how many deaths so far?
    Oceanic Viking – now facilitating SIEV’s and legitimising blackmail/extortion from illegal immigrants
    Defense – cut expenditure & increase weaponry?
    Homeland Security Department – “a non-core promise” broken Nov 28, 2007
    Global Cooling/Warming/Climate Change/Carbon Reduction – Scam
    Budget Surpluses – Ancient history.
    Economic conservatism – new words, still not in ALP dictionary
    The buck stops with me!
    Electric cars /Hybrid Cars – $6.2 billion – Toyota for one bemused & grateful.
    Securing water on the Murray/Darling – States still at war over water.
    Medicare/Private Health – rebate not to be touched – key election promise – outright lie
    Dental Scheme – gone – the caring ALP
    Cataract Surgery – costs doubled – the caring ALP – now back to 12.5% rebate cut – double backflip
    First Home Owners grant – increased, not aimed to generate building, inflating house prices
    One Stop Super Childcare Centres – maybe in 2095
    GP Super Clinics – $275 million borrowed
    No compulsory University Union Fees – an outright lie voted down
    Coastguard – huh!
    Maternity Leave – out in the never never
    Worker Share Options, June 2009 – on, off, on, off, on like a light switch – blunder
    Carbon emissions reduction – LPG conversion subsidies being phased out l – June 2009
    Carbon Emissions reduction Part 2 – Household Solar Rebate axed 9/06/2009
    Carbon Emission – the Home Insulation Scheme – rorted to death
    Schools Stimulus/? Infrastructure Program – absolute chaos. – Subject to AG inquiry.
    Solar Panels.

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