Abbott spot on

In an interview with the Australian Women’s Weekly, the Opposition Leader says women should try to stick to ”the rules” when considering sex before marriage. When they could not abstain, they should use contraception, he says. All this in response to being asked by a reporter ‘What’s the advice you would give to your own kids?’. Abbott explains;
“Obviously a parent talking to his or her own children is going to be saying different things than someone talking to the world at large … and the last thing I would want to do is to impose my views on the wider world, but in my position I think I’ve got to be honest and upfront about what my views are.”
The feminists, ALP diehards, Conservative haters and assorted camp followers are still screaming. Sorry folks, it’s how most people view the subject. Few parents would disagree with his comments and the more the haters scream the more people will wonder exactly what sort of standards, if any, they apply at home with their own kids. UPDATE: LIBERAL frontbencher George Brandis has attacked Julia Gillard’s ability to understand the way parents think about virginity because she doesn’t have kids. She walked into that one.
Ms Gillard said: ”Australian women don’t want to be told what to do by Tony Abbott.
They weren’t- he was talking about what advice he would give his daughters. It’s weird. People are attacking him for things he didn’t say, allude to or hint at. What’s wrong with them? Mr Abbott has also hit back at Julia Gillard’s criticism of the remarks, noting the deputy prime minister was speaking as a politician, while he was speaking as a parent. Point, set, match!


  • Point, set match? We will see at the next election where I fear it may be “whitewash” to Rudd.

  • The Point, set, match! referred to the fact that Julia lied in response to questions about Abbott’s quote.

    I can almost guarantee it won’t be a whitewash although they will most probably get back in based on current feelings. That’s not to say the voters won’t pick up on his shallowness by the election.

    Keep voting for him if you think you can afford it.

  • My moral integrity cannot afford to vote for the liberals.

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