Green “Wild Rivers” under attack

Queensland declared as wild rivers the Archer, Lockhart and Stewart systems on Cape York, banning most economic activity on them, allegedly after Premier Anna Bligh did a deal to clinch Green preferences for last year’s election. Aboriginal leaders Noel and Gerhardt Pearson have led the fight against the law. Attacking it for crippling economic opportunity for indigenous communities, Noel Pearson said the state government was “foreclosing on a future for our people”. Anna’s deal may be ‘alleged’ but it is totally believable as such deals constitute a tenet of the ALP’s tactics to stay in power. Promise the Greens anything; it doesn’t matter if it stuffs up the economy or further disadvantages disadvantage Australians. Tony Abbot is on the issue and attacking. Unlike most politicians Tony Abbott actually goes on the ground to see for himself what the problems are. Last August, he spent 10 days working as a school truancy officer in the peninsula-top township of Aurukun, and three weeks as a volunteer teacher’s aide in Coen in 2008. More from George Brandis Bloody Greens!

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