Eco-terrorist Paul Watson back at sea

paulwatsonTHE Australian Greens will introduce legislation that would stop Japanese whalers being allowed access to Australian services such as surveillance craft. In short, they want the Australian people to support an environmental terrorist. I’ve posted on the leader of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Paul Watson before and from my reading can only class him as a dangerous enviro-whacker who should be behind bars. But that of course will never happen, particularly while we have people listening to the likes of Garret and Brown. Update: Well last night’s news went over a treat for the eco-terrorists. They managed to position their ‘Stealth Boat’ in such a manner as to make it impossible for the Jap trawler to miss it. The ensuing publicity will boost their coffers for another season particularly while the Government and the media are giving Watson uncritical TV exposure every chance they get. No one, and I mean no one in the government or media are questioning what the hell they are dong there risking life and limb and vessels at sea in what is basically a publicity stunt. Garret and Gillard are talking absolute rubbish. Gillard is even saying they, the Government, are going to seek legal advice on the hiring of planes to monitor the eco-terrorists. I’ll save the government money – it is completely legal for an entity to hire planes to monitor situations that, by experience, are dangerous to ships and crews going about a legal business. It’s not about whaling folks. It’s about publicity, fund raising and hatred of humans who eat sea or land creatures. The bastard should be in gaol, not on TV. Update II Ady Gil crewman tells of Japanese whaling vessel terror. Bloody Hippie freak. I hope you have nightmares and wet the bed well into your 60s from the terror caused by yourself and the crew.


  • You should support Sea Shepherd, they are trying to protect innocent whales.
    . Maybe you don’t have the heart & mind to know what is right from wrong,
    so you may as well be a robot. Sea Shepherd are just trying to fight against
    evil.Any form of killing is wrong, especially when against our most
    innocent.It’s a shame some people are so heartless & barbaric, that they
    can’t see or apprciate the beauty of our environment!

  • Kev
    You’re right about publicity and fund-raising, but the Japanese eat very little whale meat. There’s over 4000 tonnes in storage because there’s no demand. It’s about Japanese nationalism, not eating meat. Both sides on this issue are talking absolute nonsense.

  • What is it with you sanctemonious greenwacos. You make such a big fuss about saving the whales when the party of brown advocates abortion,ie the killing of live humans and youthinasia. I think there is more money in whaling than in human life. Regards Redneck

  • Interesting, i was talking to an old friend of mine last night telling me about making some spares for the sea shepherd. They naturally wanted them donated to save the earth. The eco terrorisrt picking up the parts says most “volunteers” on board are mercenaries, you know gun for hire.
    Funny Regards Redneck

  • I don’t support the methods, but there is no real need to kill whales, nobody eats the stuff and nobody needs the byproducts anymore (the scientific argument is, of course crap) and the traditional practice argument is bollocks, significant Japanese Whaling began post WW2. If we want to stop whaling in the Southern Ocean (and it seems that generally the public supports stopping it), then the Govt should follow through on its election promises (to take legal action against Japan), and if it is serious, then legislate a ban on all whaling vessels, support craft, communications etc docking, fueling, repairing, resupplying, passing through, in or from Australia, directly or indirectly.

    But they won’t, they lied to a credulous crowd to hoover up the ‘thickie’ vote. This Govt, stands for nothing but being in Govt.

  • Balls. its about the Aussie govt trying to legitimise their claim of a whale sanctuary in international waters, contrary to international laws. They cant be seen to be doing it overtly, so they got old blubberbutt to do it for them. Wassamater? Dispossessing the aborigines of their lands not enough now u gotta claim the high seas too?

  • Of course there have never been any crimes committed by multi-national companies in order to achieve their outcomes has there?

  • The Prayer of the Sea Shepherd Faithful

    I love Sea Shepherd.

    I love the way Paul Watson changes his conservation goals every year.

    I love the way Paul Watson faked being shot in the chest.

    I love the way Paul Watson has become a dancing eco-patsy to Discovery Networks.

    I love the way Paul Watson lies about everything he bloviates on about.

    I love the way Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd have destroyed the concept of conservation and replaced it with a hyper inflated media machine that spits out often inane talking points based on their latest stunt work with whalers.

    Yes I love Sea Shepherd, and will continue to donate my hard earned dollars for many more years of the same useless efforts producing shady statistics about the numbers of animals saved.

    God bless them, each and every one.

    Be a “Pirate” in a “War!”

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