The Nanny State is here

ruddI thought I’d watch some of the second day at the MCG so switched on the TV to be confronted by Kevin Rudd standing on the high moral ground in full ‘telling us how to behave‘ mode. The Nanny State Supremo is  lecturing us about binge drinking before we are allowed to watch cricket. He even mentioned some cricketing greats so I can only imagine one of his staff looked them up for him. Nanny State in full flight.  I’m worried he’ll be at my place next lecturing me on drinking, swearing and not going to church. Mind you, he could have a point. 91 drunks were tossed out of the MCG yesterday and with 60,000 attending that makes 0.000016th of the crowd binge drinkers.  That would warrant dragging the PM down to Melbourne  to lecture the entire crowd, wouldn’t it?


  • He is a sad, officious, self righteous little turd. being lectured by him on drinking is like being counselled on threesomes by a virgin.

    Until he has woken up in a police cell on Cristmas morning, I’m not interested in his views on drinking.

  • Hi Kev, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    Just saw an advert on TV for the news and Kev’s aim to stamp out binge drinking at the cricket. Funny how drunkenness at sporting events has now been labelled “binge drinking”.

    Stamping out “binge drinking” amongst our youth really worked with the introduction of the extra tax on alcopops. Strange how we don’t hear much about that problem from the government any more. Like all the other problems, they get lip service, an apology or a cosmetic/financial (also read tax) solution applied and then they are banished to the void of “something’s been done”, and they move on to the next perceived/invented/real problem and the train rolls on.

  • But,….. They said on the channel 7 news that it looked like the message was working, because less people were thrown out for drunkenness.
    I shouted rude words at the television!

  • Less crowd, less thrown out but only the media would suggest that punters were responding to Kevin Rudd’s words

  • Expect to hear a lot more about the evils of drinking from Nanny State Commander. Alcopops tax is just the thin end of the wedge for a Government getting as desperate for revenue as NSW. Nanny State Taxes are a great area of expansion for them now that it looks like they can’t get an ETS in the short term

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