Bob Hawke as classy as ever

alppartyClassy mob, the ALP and only the ABC would allocated a full article to a burlesque dancer. I can just see them all giggling at the spectacle thinking it ridicules Howard when in fact it makes them look like teenagers at an Eighteenth birthday party. Scruffs, the lot of ’em!


  • Kev
    There are websites devoted to sending up people like Obama and Rudd – why is Howard suddenly a protected species?

  • We are not talking websites, we are talking main stream media and a formal ALP bash.

  • H i Kev, I remember being at an alp fund raiser on the gold coast (motel name forgotten at the moment) for the federal seat of Mc Pherson in 1972 Tom Veivers was the candidate. Nice evening all the labour luminaries there, whitlam,hayden,grassby including a very pissed r j hawke with a bimbo on each arm. Hawke looked about as pissed that night as he did at the famous australia cup victory you know every boss is a bum or whatever.Rolling pissed, embarrassingly pissed telling the bimbos on each arm what he was going to do to them when he got them back to his room and it wasnt to tell them about his drug addled neglected kids either. What he was going to do to them started with “F” Regards Redneck ex Moonbat

  • Sorry Kev Maybe something like the above scene would make a good parody with michelle grattan and carmen lawrence as the bimbos. Regards Redneck

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