Vale Holly


Holly is in the middle

My old Golden Retreiver has finally succumbed to the ravages of time. The local possums and cats are secure – she never differentiated between them so both species would be confronted with lots of noise and movement. Her problem was she never learned to climb fences or trees, so her doggy fantasies of tearing the invaders to small bite size bits were never realized.  Notwithstanding this small problem they sure as hell knew they weren’t welcome. I do recall that one litter of possums would definitely have been born pre-traumatised as they were conceived on top of  a very narrow fence with the possum bloke having his way with his girl. Holly was barking her head off jumping up  to within centimeters of the copulating couple trying to tear him (and her) to pieces.  Added to this cacophony was my wife and I, with  torch focussed on the dirty deed, laughing like drains as we admired his tenacity.  How he never fell off we’ll never know but I bet the kittens (or whatever you call baby possums) came out with a phobia about loud dogs. She gave us all a scare last year but she got another 19 months of loafing around like eldery retreivers do. She’ll be missed.


  • Sorry to hear you lost your mate, Kev.

  • Our old heeler (Diamantina Dog – because that’s where he was whelped – near Urandangi) had a similar approach to possums. He left all the other wildlife – bluetongues, bandicoots etc – alone, but couldn’t abide possums. He didn’t like the noise they made, and in that we had something in common.
    He died of lymphoma, and we didn’t replace him, as the kids have all left home.
    Commiserations, Kev.

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