Aussie woman in trouble in Thailand

When this story broke yesterday I thought it a bit fishy. People are not normally thrown in a cell for stealing a bar mat, even in Thailand. The Thais, particularly those with any sort of power, have a well developed sense of self, are very quick to take offence and will lock westerners up at the drop of a hat. THE Australian woman arrested in Thailand for allegedly stealing a bar mat denies reports she was abusive towards police.
Annice Smoel’s lawyer Bernard Murphy said his 36-year-old client was upset when police took her into custody but she was not abusive
Rubbish! I was there many years ago and one night on leave events unfolded thus – in a taxi with US and Aussie servicemen…..saw US MP car…gave them a friendly one fingered salute…didn’t notice the Thai Police Lieutenant on board…screech of tyres…come with me…resist arrest (arm through A pillar of cab)..resolved by ramming .38 cal pistol in my belly…arrested…told by smirking US MP (same rank as me) that the Lt had power to lock me up and I’d better rehearse and deliver a sniveling, heart felt apology. I did. Protocol 101 in Asia – don’t put down on the local wallopers. Even Australia’s Chief Clerk  Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd gets involved;
THE Federal Government will spare no efforts or resources to bring a satisfactory conclusion to the case of an Australian woman arrested in Thailand, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says. He said he did not want to underestimate the degree of difficulty involved in the case of Annice Smoel, who has been detained in Thailand for allegedly stealing a bar mat.
I wonder if the PM of the day would have said that about one young Sergeant locked up in Thailand – I doubt it, politicians were more pragmatic then and didn’t say things like “will spare no effort” in saving an Aussie from their own drunk & disorderly behaviour. Deliver a sniveling, heartfelt apology and you might get off, Annice, but then you might have left it a little late. UPDATE: Her ordeal is over – she is free to return home. I trust she has learned her lesson.

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