Swan can’t help himself

In an apparent move to make Mr Howard a fall guy for a tough budget, Mr Swan said the former prime minister had behaved “as if the mining boom was never going to end” in handing out payments across the community.
“As a consequence of those unsustainable habits which developed at the top of the boom and, given the nature of the global recession and the unwinding of the mining boom, everybody will have to do their bit to put the budget on a more sustainable footing,” Mr Swan said.
Just one small point Wayne,  Howard was handing out money we had and he still left you billions to buy votes with.  You gave all that out and now your’e borrowing and handing out debt to our kids.   Just get on with your job and stop trying to blame others for your problems and remember, as of tomorrow, the buck stops with you.


  • I’d say Swan was full of shit… but he’s obviously leaking.

  • This is all Labor rubbish. But the only people who would believe it are apathetic, uninformed voters: Labors stable diet.

  • Kev, Jordon just called me apathetic and uniformed. Jordon, don’t abuse others due to their difference of opinion, it makes you look silly.

  • Eddie….Ah, the cut and thrust of politics. If you’re not worrying about a $58 billion deficit and more than a hundred billion to come then you should be. It’s not good and it wasn’t necessary.

  • So what do we do about the $210bn dollars in falling revenue? What would the liberals do, raise tax and cut all services? I am waiting for Turdbull to announce what he would do? I think we are all worried about the deficit, speaking of deficits did you happen to catch dateline in regard to US debt and the methods the Bush administration handled the US economy over the last few years, very interesting stuff.

  • Quoting Dateline is the same as quoting Left/ALP or Democrats so will have an anti Conservative bias. To get the goods and get past the bias you need to read very widely and no, I didn’t watch it. The cause of the current financial problems follows a Democrat line from the peanut farmer through Clinton to Fannie May and Freddie Mac being established to give poor people mortgages that they couldn’t serve. Nice fuzzy and warm logic but the rent falls due and we’re paying now. I’m not saying Bush was any great shakes as an economist but he did try to stop the mortgage rubbish, a fact you won’t hear on the ABC or SBS.

    What do we do about falling revenue. Well for one, don’t make it more difficult for small business to employ people as Gillard is intent on doing.

    I’m not an economist but there is a lot that can be done without throwing countless billions at voters. The stimulus handouts bought votes but wasn’t targeted well enough – only about ten percent impacted on employment while a lot went to China in the form of electronic (plasma TV) purchases while the rest went to credit cards payments. mortgages and the likes. Not many jobs created.

    I’m not a fan of Turnbull either (although I will resist calling him names) but he has a point with private Health coverage. It is an ideological tenet of the ALP that everyone should be happy with the public health system (and you know that’s iffy) but they insist on making it difficult for people to strive for better services. This will impact on you personally.

    They are not in control Eddie – they are only being reactive and I guarantee you we will be paying this off for a long time – a lot longer than was necessary.

    Their great infrastructure programs from the budget are dependent on billions of dollars coming from the private sector. When they say 22 billion for infrastructure they didn’t tell you that the real costs could be four times that figure and that has to come from the private sector. The banks are showing a lack of willingness to invest big, understandably, and thus the private sector are going to have trouble financing the ALP budget dream sheet. Will these projects get off the ground? Good question

    The broadband project will have similar problems and will have to be rewritten many times before we get an outcome. Pity really because Howard had a development plan(that a friend of mine was working on) that was heading towards a good system already. The ALP have just trashed the hundreds of millions of dollars already invested in this for a plan all based around then fact that Telstra would have taken them to courts over the Node to house component of their election promise. In a short plane trip between Melbourne and Canberra the ALP heavies decided if they took the fibre to the house rather than just the node down the block they could bypass Telstra cable infrastructure. This decision has cost us tens of billions of dollars.

    Hang onto your job and don’t start any new projects until they go away is my advice.

  • No wonder I like Dateline!!

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